Couver Clan's stuff - new: Tonics, Minis post/pre

  • hi

    all gold and max, otherwise stated.
    OS = oldschool, no inscription slot


    Display Spoiler
    Chaos Axeos10+15 /-5e
    Flatbow (wooden)os9+15^50
    Jade Longbowos9nakedgv 300g
    Jade Longbowos9+15 /ench
    Shadow Bowos9+5e
    Storm Bowos12+5e
    Vabbian Recurve Bowinscr9
    Steel Daggersinscr9
    Thunderfist's Brass Knucklesinscr.9

    Accursed Icon (Medusa Head), q9 curses, inscr.
    Grim Cesta (Claws), q9 death magic, inscr.
    Holy Vial, q9 protection prayers, inscr.
    Inscribed Chakram, q9 domination magic, inscr.

    OS Colossal Pick, q12 15/ench
    OS Mursaat Hammer, q9 15/ench
    Archaic Hammer, q9 inscr.
    Golden Hammer, q9 inscr.

    OS Amber Aegis, q11 str, -2 w/stance, reduce blind 20%
    OS Outcast Shield, q11 str, Armor +10 (vs. Dragons) singlemod
    OS Plagueborn Shield, q11 tac, -3 w/hexed Water Magic +1 (19%)
    OS Shield of the Wing, q10 tac, +30 hp, -2/stance
    OS Stone Summit Shield, q10 tac, +27 hp, +10 AL vs. cold
    OS Tall Shield, q9 tac, +9 AL vs. Dwarves, -2/ench
    Aegis, q9 tac, inscr.
    Diamond Aegis, q9 motivation, inscr.
    Ebonhand Aegis, q9 str, inscr.
    Equine Aegis, q9 tac, inscr.
    Iridescent Aegis, q9 tac, inscr.
    Tower Shield, q9 str, inscr.
    Tribal Shield, q9 tac, inscr.
    Vabbian Defender, q11 command, inscr.
    Zodiac Shield, q10 tac, inscr.

    Windblade Spear, q9 inscr.

    OS Air Staff, q9 air magic, 20/10
    OS Bone Staff, q9 death magic, 20/20
    OS Ghostly Staff, q9 earth magic, hct fire magic 20% (big K IV)
    Ancient Moss Staff, q9 inspiration magic, inscr.
    Fire Staff (chalice), q9 fire magic, inscr.
    Goldtouched Staff, q10 energy storage, inscr. (couver drops I)
    Ghostly Staff, q11 inspiration magic, inscr.
    Moldavite Staff, q9 inspiration magic, inscr.
    Onix Staff, q9 inspiration magic, inscr.
    Platinum Staff, q9 spawning power, inscr.
    Zodiac Staff, q9 energy storage, inscr.

    OS Falchion, q9 15^50
    OS Fellblade, q10 +5e
    OS Icy Dragon Sword, q9 15^50
    OS Shadow Blade, q10 15^50
    Brute Sword, q9 inscr.
    Shinobi Blade q9 inscr.
    Wingblade, q9 inscr.

    Blazing Wing Wand, q9 fire magic, inscr.
    Eternal Flame Wand, q9 healing prayers, inscr.
    Topaz Scepter, q9 divine favor, inscr.
    Platinum Wand, q9 spawning power, inscr.
    Platinum Wand, q9 soul reaping, inscr.
    Wayward Wand, q9 spawning power, inscr.
    Zodiac Scepter, q10 soul reaping, inscr.


    Display Spoiler
    BowArachni's Longbow 1
    BowChehbaba's Longbow3
    BowTarnok's Recurve Bow1 (spirit)
    DaggersCeremonial Daggers1
    DaggersDarkroot's Daggers1
    DaggersOnata's Shards1
    DaggersStygian Daggers1 (spirit)
    FocusBogroot Focuschanneling magic1
    FocusByzzer's Benedictiondivine favor2
    FocusDeldrimor Fire Focusfire magic1
    FocusFlint's Artifact,water magic1
    FocusForgotten Fanillusion magic1
    FocusKkraz's Indulgencesoul reaping1
    FocusRose Focusfast casting1
    FocusRot's Putrescencesoul reaping1
    FocusSpiriteaterspawning power1
    FocusThe Kindlerockfire magic1 (spirit)
    FocusThe Skill Eaterspawning power1
    ScytheDwayna's Grace 1
    ScytheHand of the Forgotten 1
    ScytheSuli's Scythe 1
    ShieldBaubao's Shelltactics1
    ShieldEnadiz Defenderstrength1
    SpearEshau's Spear 1
    SpearLuluh's Spear 1 (spirit)
    SpearThe Bloodspear 1 (spirit)
    StaffAlsin's Walking Stickspawning power1
    StaffBogroot Staffrestoration magic2 (1 spirit)
    StaffFendi's Staffsoul reaping1 (spirit)
    StaffKepkhet's Refugedivine favor1
    StaffKole's Tormentblood magic1 (spirit)
    StaffKoosun's Fire Stafffire magic1
    StaffKunvie's Air Staffair magic1
    StaffOrosen's Staffspawning power1 (spirit)
    StaffStoneweaverdivine favor1
    StaffThe Mindclouderillusion magic1 (spirit)
    StaffThe Nightbringerdeath magic1
    StaffThe Stonereapercurses1
    StaffWoe Spreaderdeath magic2
    WandBrightclawspawning power1 (spirit)
    WandGorrel's Caneillusion magic1
    WandFendi's Roddeath magic1
    WandKaolin Wandspawning power1
    WandRago's Flame Wandfire magic1 (spirit)
    WandStygian Scepterspawning power1
    WandWhyk's Wandearth magic1
    WandZarna's Wrathearth magic1


    Display Spoiler
    AxeEnchant 20%1
    AxeHealth +301
    AxeSundering 20%0
    AxeVampiric Health 3/-11
    AxeZealous Energy 1/-11
    BowDemonslaying +20%1
    BowDwarfslaying +20%2
    BowEnchant 20%1
    BowHealth +300
    BowSilencing, lengthens dazed duration on foes 33%1
    BowSundering 20%0
    BowTrollslaying +20%1
    BowZealous Energy 1/-11
    DaggerEnchant 20%1
    DaggerHealth +301
    DaggerVampiric Health 3/-11
    DaggerZealous Energy 1/-11
    FocusDevotion, Health +45 w/ench1
    HammerEnchant 20%2
    HammerFurious 10%1
    HammerHealth +301
    HammerOgreslying +20%0
    HammerSundering 20%0
    HammerZealous Energy 1/-11
    ScytheDefense, Armor +50
    ScytheEbon, Earth dmg1
    ScytheFurious 10%3
    ScytheHealth +303
    ScythePoisonous, lengthens poison duration on foes 33%1
    ScytheShelter, Armor +7 vs. physical dmg1
    ScytheSundering 20%1
    ScytheWarding, Armor +7 vs. elemental dmg1
    ShieldHealth +301
    SpearDefense, Armor +52
    SpearHealth +302
    SpearShocking, Lightning dmg1
    SpearSundering 20%1
    Staff HeadHealth +301
    Staff HeadSwift, HCT of Spells 10%1
    Staff WrapCharrslaying +20%1
    Staff WrapDeath Magic +1 (20%)2
    Staff WrapDemonslaying +20%1
    Staff WrapDomination Magic +1 (20%)1
    Staff WrapDragonslaying +20%1
    Staff WrapEarth Magic +1 (20%)1
    Staff WrapHealing Prayers +1 (20%)1
    Staff WrapHealth +306
    Staff WrapIllusion Magic +1 (20%)2
    Staff WrapInspiration Magic +1 (20%)3
    Staff WrapMastery 20%1
    Staff WrapRestoration Magic +1 (20%)2
    Staff WrapTrollslaying +20%1
    SwordDeathbane, +20% dmg vs. undead2
    SwordDemonslaying, +20% dmg vs. demons1
    SwordEnchant 20%2
    SwordFurious 10%0
    SwordHealth +300
    SwordSundering 20%0
    SwordVampiric Health 3/-10
    SwordZealous Energy 1/-11
    WandMemory, HSR 20%1
    Aptitude not Attitude, HCT 20%0
    Brawn over Brains, dmg +15/-5 energy2
    Forget me Not, HSR 19%1
    Guided by Faith, dmg +15% w/enchanted1
    Hale and Hearty, energy +5 w/hp above 50%1
    Have Faith, energy +5 w/enchanted2
    I Can See Clearly Now, reduces blind duration on you 20%1
    I have the power, energy +54
    Leaf on the Wind, Armor +10 vs. cold dmg2
    Life Is Pain, Armor +5, Health -201
    Like a Rolling Stone, Armor +10 vs. earth dmg1
    Live for Today, energy +15/-1 (foci)2
    Luck of the Draw, dmg -5 change 20%3
    Not the face, , Armor +10 vs. blunt dmg1
    Riders on the Storm, Armor +10 vs. lightning dmg3
    Run for your Life, physical dmg -2 w/stance1
    Size the Day, Live for Today, energy +15/-1 (spellcaster weps)1
    Sleep Now in the fire, Armor +10 vs. fire dmg2
    Strenght and Honor, dmg +15 w/hp above 50%0
    Swift as the Wind, reduces crippled duration on you 20%2
    The Riddle of Steel, Armor +10 vs. slashing dmg
    Trough Thick and Thin, Armor +10 vs. piercing dmg0


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    Commonquantity in stacksPrice middle buy and sell at time of trade, only stacks
    Bolts of Cloth6
    Chitin Fragments4
    Glitering Dust3
    Granite Slabs1
    Plant Fibers4
    Tanned Hide Squares5
    Wood Planks7
    Rare Price middle buy and sell at time of trade, only stacks
    Steel Ingots4


    Display Spoiler
    Everlasting Acolyte SousukeTonicwhite1tut
    Everlasting Dunkoro Tonicwhite1hotmail
    Everlasting Goren Tonicwhite2tut
    Everlasting Hayda Tonicwhite1tut
    Everlasting Koss Tonicpurple1hotmail
    Everlasting Livia Tonicwhite1tut
    Everlasting M.O.X. Tonicpurple1tut
    Everlasting Master of Whispers Tonicpurple1tut
    Everlasting Melonni Tonicwhite2tut
    Everlasting Morgahn Tonicwhite2hotmail
    Everlasting Norgu Tonicwhite1tut
    Everlasting Queen Salma Tonicpurple1hotmail
    Everlasting Zenmai Tonicwhite1hotmail
    Everlasting Zhed Shadowhoof Tonicpurple1tut
    all minis are undedrarityquantitystorage
    Mini Bone Dragongreen2tut
    Mini Eye of Janthirgreen3tut/gwfac
    Mini Gwengreen4tut
    Mini M.O.Xgreen1gwfac
    Mini Mad King Thorngreen1tut
    Passage scrolls to the deep 5
    Passage scrolls to the fissure of woe 4

    PRESEARING (post payment)

    Display Spoiler
    all gone :)
    all gone :)
    all minis are undedrarityquantitystorage
    all gone :)

    Leave a post here or ping me (Vans Sweet).
    I'm gladly adding u to my fl, please leave your ING.

    Feel free to ask if u need something.


    Edited 62 times, last by Van Couver: added tonics and minis (January 17, 2025 at 6:11 PM).

  • Van Couver December 27, 2024 at 9:49 PM

    Changed the title of the thread from “Couver Clan's stuff” to “Couver Clan's stuff - new pre stuff”.
  • Van Couver December 30, 2024 at 10:28 PM

    Changed the title of the thread from “Couver Clan's stuff - new pre stuff” to “Couver Clan's stuff - OS Tall Shield, q9 tac, +9 AL vs. Dwarves, -2/ench”.
  • Van Couver January 1, 2025 at 9:47 PM

    Changed the title of the thread from “Couver Clan's stuff - OS Tall Shield, q9 tac, +9 AL vs. Dwarves, -2/ench” to “Couver Clan's stuff - new: OS Runic Axe, Mursaat Hammer, mods”.
  • Van Couver January 6, 2025 at 2:36 PM

    Changed the title of the thread from “Couver Clan's stuff - new: OS Runic Axe, Mursaat Hammer, mods” to “Couver Clan's stuff - new: OS Chaos +5e, Amber Aegis, Shadow Bow”.
  • Van Couver January 7, 2025 at 8:33 PM

    Changed the title of the thread from “Couver Clan's stuff - new: OS Chaos +5e, Amber Aegis, Shadow Bow” to “Couver Clan's stuff - new: Dryad Bow, Darkwing Defender”.
  • Van Couver January 13, 2025 at 11:35 AM

    Changed the title of the thread from “Couver Clan's stuff - new: Dryad Bow, Darkwing Defender” to “Couver Clan's stuff - new: Dryad Bow”.
  • Van Couver January 16, 2025 at 10:42 PM

    Changed the title of the thread from “Couver Clan's stuff - new: Dryad Bow” to “Couver Clan's stuff - new: Tonics, Minis post/pre”.