Team Build: Dervish Quietway

  • Hi,

    This is a purely for-fun build whose deets I'll explain below for the best experience.

    I've tried similar arrangements before, but this one is the most polished version I could make. Make sure you use weapons with "of enchanting" mods. The only downside is that you'll need 8 human players to run this as heroes/mercs don't maintain VoS like they're supposed to (unless you use ToolBox and map VoS to a single button and keep it up). The upside is that your party is basically immune to all incoming spells, meaning most of the hate you'll receive is slashed by a significant margin. The only thing left that can bother you is martial enemies (especially Dervishes in HM) and you are equipped to deal with them using Sneak Attack and YAW. Scythes combine really well with Sneak Attack. Condition removal is handled using Remedy Signet, though I can see how some might wanna opt for Lyric of Purification. The rest is up to you. Feel free to fiddle with it as you like, but I highly recommend keeping Lyssa's Assault as it's really good in pacifying enemies with healing 'n stuff. Last but not least, I added 2 Spear Dervishes for the last two slots as well, in case you wanna go spear instead of Scythe (and it's recommended that you spare 1 or 2 player slots for that as ranged combat is also important).

    Find below the skillbars and equipment for the three roles;


    Mysticism 4+1+3

    Scythe Mastery 11+1

    Motivation 12

    Command 5

    Armor: Blessed Set with 2 Runes of Attunement and a rune of (sup.) Vigor

    Equipment: Scythe with Furious, +%20 enchant and +30 HP mods


    Mysticism 4+1+3

    Scythe Mastery 11+1

    Motivation 12

    Command 5

    Armor: Blessed Set with 2 Runes of Attunement and a rune of (sup.) Vigor

    Equipment: Scythe with Furious, +%20 enchant and +30 HP mods


    Mysticism 4+1+3

    Spear Mastery 11+1

    Motivation 12

    Command 5

    Armor: Blessed Set with 2 Runes of Attunement and a rune of (sup.) Vigor

    Equipment: Spear with Furious, +%20 enchant and +30 HP mods | Moti Shield with +30 HP and insc. of your choice