PC Q9 OS Smiting staff

  • Hi everyone,

    Would like to Know if a Adept Smiting Staff Of Enchanting Worth Something ?

    Halves Casting Times Of smiting prayer Spells (20%)
    Halves Casting Times Of smiting prayer Spells (20%)
    Enchants last 20% longer

    Thanks you,

    Have a nice day

    ****mod edit---you can have only ONE open thread in price check at a time, you CAN have more than one item in a price check thread---do NOT make multiple threads when you can easily combine them into one thread!!!--threads merged---mod edit***

    ****mod edit2---do not bump your thread early--you must wait 24 hours between posts!!!--bump deleted---mod edit2***

    Edited once, last by cosyfiep (December 29, 2017 at 11:15 AM).

  • 5-15e imo for smiting staff, it's pretty common.

    In the future leave the old thread intact and close it by adding "CLOSED" to the top of the post then start a new thread for a new item.

    Doing so you avoid confusion over prices for items that are removed...

    Such as

    "cele imo 5e tops
    icy 25e~ "

    Make no sense as they are for items that are now gone. It's all clearly stated in the rules.

    in b4 cosy

    ꚛꚙꚛ Ouch My Assassin | Raise R Bladez ꚛꚙꚛ

  • cosyfiep April 4, 2018 at 11:13 AM

    Closed the thread.