[Closed] PC Plagueborn R9 tactics

  • Since I can't really find it on the trade chat.. I might aswell ask it here.

    Can someone tell me if this is still worth anything?

    edit:Okay, thank you for replying

    cosyfiep, all my hero's are runed and equipped, and I think my Koss likes pink-items more for some reason.

    ***mod edit---do NOT bump your thread early, you must wait 24 hours between posts in your thread, do NOT bump your thread to close it, by doing this you are pushing open thread off of the first page. PLEASE take the time to READ the Xunlai Market Rules which are CLEARLY posted at the post of each of the Xunlai Market sections to avoid any actions against your account---posts merged/early bump deleted--mod edit***

    Edited once, last by cosyfiep (January 12, 2018 at 9:42 PM).