For more information on subfolders and the current content check the expander "Info".
What's this?
I attached parts of my current template folder to this post. Put the folder into C:\Users\*\Documents\GUILD WARS\Templates after unzipping the downloaded archive. Merge the folder with yours when prompted. You may want to have a backup of your old skills if you totally dislike what's provided by me.
All template names are german, but most of them are the elite skill name or simply meaningless anyway. You can use the prefixes for quick and easy navigation:
S = Player Template
H = Hero Template
Warrior: K
Paragon: P
Monk: Mö
Ritualist: R
Mesmer: Me
Dervish: D
Assassin: A
Ranger: W
Necromancer: N
Elementalist: E
Variable/none: X
Example: H W-Mö Erzürnter Ausfall is a Ranger/Monk hero template with the elite skill Enraged Lunge.
Contains all Henchmen builds (with corrections, the wikis are wrong in some cases) including attributes. Only some PvP henchmen have more than 12 in some attributes, so for PvE all attributes are accurate. PvE henchmen have 480 health and base armor at level 20, PvP henchmen 620 to 680 health and base armor. [Some research.]
Contains more subfolders
- Aufstieg der Helden
- Bündniskampf
- Fort Espenwald
- Gildenkampf
- Jadesteinbruch
- Zufallsarena
- Aufstieg der Helden: Hero's Ascent, incomplete and bad.
- Bündniskampf: Alliance Battles, incomplete, but largely RA and GvG builds can be used here, too.
- Fort Espenwald: Fort Aspenwood. Incomplete.
- Gildenkampf Guild versus Guild. Includes fluxed builds. Teambuilds are separated.
- Jadesteinbruch: Jade Quarry.
- Zufallsarena: Random Arenas.
Running, farming and solo quest builds and builds for soloing dungeons.
Builds for Solo Quests and Missions:
- Fels der Weissagung (=Augury Rock)
- Elementalist
- Mesmer
- Necromancer (2x)
- Warrior (3x)
- Ranger
- Monk
- Die Kampf-Meisterschaft der Norn (=Norn Fighting Tournament)
- ALL BUILDS: External Content embedded from external sources will not be displayed without your consent.Through the activation of external content, you agree that personal data may be transferred to third party platforms. We have provided more information on this in our privacy policy.
- Warrior (4x)
- Ranger (4x)
- Monk (4x)
- Necromancer (2x)
- Mesmer (4x)
- Elementalist (6x)
- Assassin (8x)
- Ritualist (6x)
- Dervish (3x)
- Paragon (3x)
- Eiskalt Erwischt (=Ice as Cold, a spirit spam griffon)
- Assassin
- Mesmer
- Necromancer
- Monk
- Dervish
- Bärenkeule (=Bear Club for Men/Women)
- Ranger
- Necromancer (2x)
- Mesmer (5x)
- Elementalist
Solo Dungeons:
- Arachnis Schlupfwinkel (Arachni's Lair)
- Blutstein-Höhlen (Bloodstone Caves)
- Düsterfels-Höhle (Darkrime Delves)
- Exil des Sklavenhändlers (nur Duncan) (Slaver's Exile, Duncan)
- Frostrachens Hort (Frostmaw's Burrows)
- Grabkammer des Dragrimmar (Sepulchre of Dragrimmar)
- Herz der Zittergipfel (Heart of the Shiverpeaks)
- Katakomben von Kathandrax (Catacombs of Kathandrax)
- Kathedrale der Flammen (Assassine und Derwisch) (Cathedral of Flames 2x)
- Oolas Labor (Oola's Lab)
- Riss des Kummers (FoW)
- Rragars Menagerie
- Scherben von Orr (Shard's of Orr)
- Schleimgrube (Ooze Pit)
- Sumpfwurzel-Gewirr (Bogroot)
- Tor der Pein (DoA)
- Unterwelt (UW)
Info paw*ned² teambuilds
Requires paw*ned². paw*ned² must target the folder */GUILD WARS/Templates.
- Buildwars hero teambuild for eastern frontier by Derklord
- 4 man areas for a melee player by smiley-1
- 4 man areas for a healer
- 8 man areas for any caller by schnappi
- 8 man areas for a caster with mercenaries by smiley-1
- 8 man areas for a melee by smiley-1
- 8 man areas for an aggressive melee
- 8 man areas for spirit spam by smiley-1
- 8 man areas for frontline necromancer
- 8 man areas for necromancer/mesmer
- 8 man areas for dervish with mercenaries
- 8 man areas for dervish
- 8 man areas for ST prot rits, trip melee.
- 8 man areas for a paragon with mercenaries
- 8 man areas for a healer
Additional content:
- A build with mercenaries for Mallyx by smiley-1
- A build for the Villainy of Galrath HM by smiley-1
- Abaddon's Gate HM in 1:38
- DoA HM for paragon&heroes
- DoA HM Wotaway for players
- UW HM physway for players
- UW HM for all professions, players
- Aurios Mines
- Dajkah Inlet
- Dajkah Inlet for two players
- Dragon's Throat
- Dragon's Throat with conset
- Glint's Challenge splitway with heroes (5x)
- Glint's Challenge for two players
- The Shadow Nexus (2x)
SC Teambuilds:
- DoA dualtank
- DoA singletank (2x)
- DoA Trenchway
- Slaver's Exile
- FoW
- Mount Qinkai
- Raven's Point
- Morostav Trail (2x)
- SoO rangers (2), wammos, dervs, wota
- Urgoz's Warren
- UW