[PC] Some OS some inscr.

  • The serpent axe is cantha I guess?

    If it's tyryan --> priceless

    If not, it's still quite interesting though. Few ppl like such items, but there are clients. I would say, between 0 and 2 arms depending on interest. Maybe up to 5 if bidwar.

    I'm curious to have ppl' opinion aswell on this one ^^

    Rest, idk, but for sure not a lot :p

    IG: jacke l eventreur

  • Plagueborn Daggers, q11, 15^50 OS 5k-5e/merch

    Draconic Spear, q9, inscr. 10-25e

    Serpent Axe, q4 7-19 dmg, +5 energy OS interesting, will probably get some attention so its hard to tell a final price. imo it can be anything between 1-500e, maybe even more if the right ppl are interested

    Truncheon, q9 blood magic, HCT 10%, HSR 10% OS 20-50e tops imo


    ign: Katze Kami

  • cosyfiep May 3, 2018 at 6:57 PM

    Closed the thread.