Some OS shields and prenerf stuff

  • 1. imo only auction can tell, there was one for sale with +30hp +1prot which was sold for ... idk, a few hundred arms i think. since most ppl prefer +30hp mod, id say yours wont bring that much but might get some attention. i personaly love -2wE +1attribute shields and i wouldnt sell this shield for much less than 20a, even tho this price might be hard to get (or not, but only auction can tell :D) take your time with it and dont sell to first offer

    2. maybe 50e to a collector?

    3. 200-400e imo

    4. 150-250e imo

    5. 100-200e imo

    6. 7-15a


    ign: Katze Kami

  • cosyfiep May 3, 2018 at 6:57 PM

    Closed the thread.