looking for a price check on this Firey Dragon Sword I found.
Q7 15-22dmg 14%Ench
looking for a price check on this Firey Dragon Sword I found.
Q7 15-22dmg 14%Ench
A lot.
It's naked and blue, so it won't reach records, but it's stI'll really nice item.
I'd say XX arms, not sure how many
All I can tell is don't sell to PM, and wait for good PC :p
There are dozens of FDS like this around (clean and blue, its allways blue cus fiery) Two, tree years ago these sold normally for 100-200e, but thesedays i would guess 1000-1250e or someting like that. Who knows if more if someone rly wants it.
its allways blue cus fiery : what do you mean ikki? EK has a gold fds q7, or it's only cleans that are blue?
That it cant be white
I got three, and two of them are both naked & nude(no mods & no gold value) Not as rare as you might think, still really cool tho. Def don't merch it. Prices are crazy unpredictable atm so list it & see what happens.
I got a LOT of Q7/8 FDS's as I just love the skin
This sounds about right to me.
...... guess 1000-1250e or something like that. Who knows if more if someone rly wants it.
upgraded to 20% enchant
****mod edit---do NOT bump your thread early, you can always use the EDIT button to add information!!!! PLEASE READ the Xunlai Market rules!!!---mod edit***
Don't early bump , you will be arrested for that.
20% is everywhere in game. Doesn't affects item's value.
On weapons, only base is important (15^50, +5e etc), if OS