50 years of Star Trek

  • Cant believe its been 50 years since Star Trek first aired on TV....

    so I thought I would make a thread for anyone who wishes to reminisce about their star trek memories (I had a crush on Leonard Nimoy for most of the 70's and STILL have on one Patrick Stewart :heart: )

    I can remember when the next gen came out---I bought my first tv just to watch it (I was in college at the time). I never got to see most of the last season of Enterprise (was told I had not missed much either) because I was living in Japan--glad that a network has picked it up so I can see what I missed.

    :mouse:where is the 'all you can eat' cookie bar? :cookie:

  • No replies? Sorry I'm late to the party!
    I grew up with Star Trek and it surely affected most of my life and my choices in life. Both the original series as well as some of the newer ones.

    We could all get together and create some teams and replay the game again. Create some Nimoy/Shatner/Kelley/Nichols/Dohan/Takei, or other characters, or by their trek names.
    Then we get together on regular "away missions" when enough people online :) Away missions like "We crash landed in a strange alien world known as Fissure of Woe with extremely hostile inhabitants. Ship damaged but we discovered an alternative fuel source known as Obsidian Shards, perhaps we could harness this source of energy to get away from this dreaded place?".

  • Post by zaraki16 (July 17, 2017 at 9:36 AM).

    This post was deleted by Marty Silverblade: spam (March 22, 2025 at 10:58 PM).
  • I am a big fan of star trek... Though I sold my star trek magazines and have books to sell (need the room - baby and daughter are why).
    I run a facebook group called TrekVerse, watched the shows and movies, and I use to write in fan fiction star trek website groups.

    I have a Ranger called Ezri Tigan Dax. ;)
    I use to run a guild called S T Academy [Trek] with Wren before I sold it and then it got bought and ran by Tondi who then sold it and another friend has it now. :) I'm no longer into guild leading , etc. I have real life...

    Also, I use to role play star trek in mirc (micro internet relay chat i think is what that still means or meant...) I still write Trek.
    Just in my spare time. Watching it... is a bit hard, daughter is not a fan. :(

    Here's my blog / site - > aludeni.blogspot.com :)

    :heart: By the light of the fire and the sparkle of the stars, you came to realize the meaning of true love. - Lori B. :rit: