need a pc for q9 os castershield + casterset

  • I havent decided to sell the shields + casterset or not yet. The inherent mods appears as I write them. I can provide pics,but I will provide pics when I put them up for sale. Some Items I plan on selling as a set and some alone. I would like pc's individually and as casterset.ty. Everything is OS. I wanted to collect the q8 GDA +5e aswell,but those were selling them wanted 250 - 500a some time ago but i couldnt afford that by a long shot.

    Seeing armbraces seems to go down in price and therefore are unstable I want the pc in ectos, and in armbraces aswell.

    shield standalone | q8 axe

    gold q9/16 tac gloom shield -2we 30hp

    gold q9/16 str eternal shield 30hp -2we

    gold q9/16 tac echovald shield 30hp -2we

    gold q8+5e 20% Gothic axe


    gold q9/16 tac gloom shield -2we 30hp + q8 gothic axe +5e 20% ench

    gold q9/16 tac echovald shield 30hp -2we + q9 GDA+5e 20%ench

    I like a few pc's,so dont close the thread after 1 pc

  • all imo:

    gold q9/16 tac gloom shield -2we 30hp this might get some attention, due to the rare nature of gloom shields and the perf mods i personaly wouldnt sell it for any less than 40-50a i guess ... but id say only auction can tell how much you can actually get. Maybe its less, maybe its more if some ppl start a bidwar.

    gold q9/16 str eternal shield 30hp -2we 20-30a(+?)

    gold q9/16 tac echovald shield 30hp -2we 20-30a(+?)

    gold q8+5e 20% Gothic axe 30-50a? no idea tbh

    q9 GDA+5e 20-40e tops (GDA=gothic dual axe, right? xD)

    tbh i cant see any sense in selling them as sets, you might like the combination of them but other ppl might not.

    edit: 1a=100e~, calculate it yourself :p i cant tell if arms/ectos will go up or down


    ign: Katze Kami

  • cosyfiep May 3, 2018 at 6:59 PM

    Closed the thread.