I have
Sehdens mark, spiritspeaker, moteh lighting spire
IGN Shasgaliel A
and a bump
Hi, i have Terob's wand, how much will you give for it ?
and a bump... need GREENS
got a few more off the list but still need your unwanted greens
I have Lorelle's Longbow if you're interested
IGN: Baby Dragon of Doom -
thanks again to the ppl that have helped but I still want your greens BUMP
the pain eater here
Spearou the paladin , contact me ingame or here
Mr S L A V E
August 15, 2018 at 1:03 AM Changed the title of the thread from “WTB Green Items.. a VERY large list” to “CLOSED”. -
August 15, 2018 at 5:28 PM Closed the thread.