Hey there ectos and plat are both accepted,
1: 15e b/o Guardian of the hunt
2: 20e b/o Zodiac shield
3 20e b/o Exalted aegis ||SOLD||
OS Weapons:
4: 30e b/o Ironwing 15^50 w/e
5: 20e b/o Zodiac staff 20/10 spawning
6: 20e b/o Zodiac staff 20/10 Air
7: 15e b/o Celestial bow 15^50 w/e
8: 5e b/o Platinum staff
9: 5e b/o Platinum staff
10: 20e b/o Dragoncrest axe
11: 20e b/o Wyvern blade
12: 15e b/o Topaz scepter ||SOLD||
13: 5e b/o Stilletos
14: 5e b/o Fiery gladius ||SOLD||