Q8 Eternal Shield closed

  • guildwarslegacy.com/attachment/1459/Hey Guys , can you please pricecheck these items ?

    thanks :)

    Lemon :angel:

    edit (merged by mod) Its Canthan Skin btw , ty for first pricechecks :)

    ****MOD EDIT---DO NOT bump your thread early--you must wait for 24 HOURS between posts in your own thread, if you need to comment, use the EDIT function!!--PLEASE read the Xunlai Market rules BEFORE you post!!!--warning--MOD EDIT****

    ***mod edit2--do NOT delete the contents of a price check, do NOT remove moderator edits!--READ THE RULES!!!!!---mod edit2***

    Edited 12 times, last by cosyfiep: early bump, posts merged--warning reverted (October 16, 2018 at 6:08 PM).

  • The Earth Staff depends on skin. If it is normal "Crystal" skin then I would say between 15 - 30a. If it is "Obby" skin then it would be worth a real crap tonne, like 200a+.

    The Zodiac is not worth that much considering it only has one inherent mod, I would say it would be lucky to get over 5a for it.

    Of course these prices depend hugely on demand and current wealth, and you should wait for more PC since I personally tend to go low in my own mind to get a fast sale ;)

  • I sold Core skin q8 10/10 Fire staff for 50a without trouble year ago, since then prices have gone up and Earth staffs are rarer then fire staffs(ive seen 2-3 fire staffs around last years but none earth) id say core skin 40-50a, crystallized/canthan skin 75-100a+, Obby skin tons more ;P

    Edit (merged by mod)

    Agreed with kairi on zodiac

    Ive never rly seen good prenerf with canthan skin so it is quite special, (Not in recent years atleast)

    Edited once, last by cosyfiep: merged posts since other post deleted--mod edit (October 1, 2018 at 9:46 PM).

  • lem0nhaz3 October 16, 2018 at 5:47 PM

    Changed the title of the thread from “Q8 Zodiac Staff / Q8 Earth Staff PC” to “closed”.
  • cosyfiep October 16, 2018 at 6:07 PM

    Changed the title of the thread from “closed” to “Q8 Eternal Shield closed”.
  • cosyfiep October 16, 2018 at 6:09 PM

    Closed the thread.