I am a returning player and since prices seemed to have gone up a lot, i would like to sell off some items that I never bothered to try to sell. However, I'm completely out of touch with the economy and would require some help from you active traders to get the pricing right. I have looked up most on decltype but on many items i still cannot find a concrete price or the price range is so large that i don't know which one is on point. I assume some if not most are worthless but there might be something sellable in there.
Hope you can help me out and big thanks in advance.
Here's the list:
- unded Miniature Pig (non cele)
- Jade Wand | q9 (illu), +5e^50, halves ct of spells 10% (OS)
- Fire Wand | q9 (fire), +5e^50, halves recharge of spells 10% (OS)
- Butterfly Mirror | q9 (insp) (inscription)
- Onyx Scepter | q9 (spawn) (inscription)
- Bleached Skull | q9 (reap) (inscription)
- Pleagueborn Daggers | q9, 15^50 (OS)
- Jitte | q9, 15^stance (OS)
- Jade Sword | q9, 15^stance
- Celestial Sword | q9, +5e (OS)
- Broadsword | q9 (inscription)
- Fellblade | q9 (inscripion)
- Chaos Axe | q9, 15^-5e (OS)
- Draconic Spear | q9 (inscription)