Consumables please help

  • please help with all the consumables prices, i will go crazy with some ppl at trade chat,

    per Stack:

    cupcakes : ?

    apples: ?

    pies: ?

    corn: ?

    eggs: ?

    lunars: ?

    cookies: ?

    honeycombs: ?

    clovers: ?

    pepper cc: ?

    conset: ?

    res scrolls: ?

    just curious also for each one: Party Beacon, Iced Tea, Delicious Cake.


    ****MOD EDIT--do NOT delete the contents of the top post when closing threads, ONLY ADD closed to the top of that post--reverted--MOD EDIT***

    Edited 4 times, last by cosyfiep: reverted, do not change the title or the contents of the top post, read the rules--mod edit (June 21, 2019 at 8:05 PM).

  • cause pcons depend on the season these are the prices at the moment

    per Stack:

    cupcakes : 15e (will go up to 20e)

    apples: 10-15(should be 10e)

    pies: 20e

    corn: 10-15 (should be 10e)

    eggs: 15-20e

    lunars: 20-25e (should be 20e normally)

    cookies: 5e

    honeycombs: 5e

    clovers: 5-10e

    pepper cc: ?

    res scrolls: 200e (should be 80e normally -> less plant fiber botting)


    conset: 4e (should be 2.5-3e normally, but less feather botting )

    party beacon: 3e

    iced tea:1e

    delicious cake:2e

  • Arcana Force June 16, 2019 at 6:56 PM

    Changed the title of the thread from “Consumables please help” to “Closed”.
  • cosyfiep June 21, 2019 at 8:05 PM

    Changed the title of the thread from “Closed” to “Consumables please help”.
  • cosyfiep June 21, 2019 at 8:05 PM

    Closed the thread.