Gold sellers/botters/and the economy; would you give your items to gold sellers for "free"?

  • Hi Everyone,

    (pre-apologies for scattered thoughts and sentences, just trying to quickly shoot this out at work)

    Just wanted to see anyone elses opinion on this topic. After reading some recent posts (eblade/bds prices, etc) and some private investigations (see screenshot) the idea of people giving their precious items to gold sellers/botters for nothing popped up in my head. I feel like the current economy is most likely dominated by these types of players, and they probably have a ridiculous amount of "wealth" they farmed. Then they trade the arms/ectos/eblades/bds etc they put barely any effort into getting for your 10+ year old non replicable items and gain actual "wealth". This makes me not want to participate in trading with anyone other than for cons/small value items/etc; maybe I'd trade item for item with a player whose been long time active on this site, but arms/ectos/eblades/bds etc I feel have no value.


    -Guy PM'ing me offering me items to trade bc I said I dont want arms/ectos. Kama chat with similar items being sold/also selling arms for real $.

    Maybe I'm overreacting, and maybe noone cares, and even though I've only recently returned to this game (although it was at one time my favorite game, and so much nostalgia) but gold sellers, botters, the economy, etc really bother me and makes me sad the game is kind of messed up! I feel like I'd rather trash my items then give to a gold seller/botter.

    Also would anyone ever trade their q8 15^50 longsword for a q9 eblade? Why is something like an OS q9 15^50 worth less than the "free" ectos from nicks gifts every week?

    PS: If I made the wrong connections with the PM/kamadeclytpe, I'm sorry, but the coincidence is too great.

    PPS: Based on other forum discussions, is botting/gold selling even frowned upon any more?

  • Lol this dude in your screenshot definitely has multiple accounts on this forum. I had the same suspicions when I was bidding on the q8 15%stance Chaos Axe for sale on here. Honestly, makes me not want to participate in bidding on these forums (for the Users that I notice this suspicious activity), because some of the sellers seem to be hustlers with multiple accounts to fuel their power sales to obtain more Arms for their $ supply.

    Literally after 4-5days of no bids past my R/B, this "Famous Warrior" creates an account and bids on the Chaos Axe I'm bidding on, for an amount +5a higher than my R/B. (Which no worries, sellers rights and all). It got a little suspicious especially since the only post he commented on was the q8 Chaos axe thread. (kinda fishy for a new user to bid +5a over an already hit R/B; +1-2arms would be less fishy, especially since the seller had already posted that they'd be selling that day)

    After he "supposedly" bought this q8 Chaos axe for the claimed 20a, he literally offers to sell me the axe for 20a (maybe 5mins after he bought it? lol). Who the hell is going to try to get rid of a collectors item for the same price they bought it, seconds/minutes after they bought it? I'm not buying that story.... sounds more like a way to get the numbers up to put pressure on actual people who are trying to bid on the forum.

    He kept claiming that he's just a new user with a new account that hasn't played since like 2009 or some shit, and blah blah blah. He must have spent like 20minutes trying to get me to buy the damn axe, after I made it very clear to the Seller that I'm retracting all bids due to the "hustle" vibe I felt. I even made it clear to this alt account "Famous Warrior". Yet he kept trying to push it until I eventually ignored his ass.

    Funnier yet, he kept trying to sell to some of my many alts in game, as well as fellow guild members, for that 20arm price. (Why the hell would a power trader sell an item that they just bought, for the same price?) This only makes sense if the Power Trader hasn't had any luck getting a return on their item after a lengthy time period...definitely a timer period greater than 1 day, yet alone minutes lol...

    As to your actual question about Gold Selling...Kamadan, GToB should speak for itself for you, as well as Anets mass layoff months back. I'm sure there's still an occasional scan to rid some of the accounts, because no game developer is going to like the End User making money off of what they created. But, as there's no funding going into Guild Wars, the gold selling is definitely something that is here to stay in today's Guild Wars.

    You mention that you just stick with trading cons, yet this is probably the biggest market of items that are botted (especially in Pre since you can convert the Pre BD for Post arms super fast thus making the cons give a lot higher of a return than if one sold the same amount in post). During the holiday week(s) events, these botters get characters full of cons to turn into black dye (if pre), or to turn into ecto/arms. They don't need the zkeys, because thats another hot item for botters. PvP is easily controlled with the lack of volume in activity in HA/GvG/Codex/RA (hence everybody selling Trims to guilds; there's no competition)

    Multiple accounts = always have matches = always getting daily max zkeys on each account= always getting max boxes for each account

    People with stacks and stacks of these boxes (especially the GvG and Codex) are dead give aways. You know how boring Codex and GvG is today (not including all monthly's for the few guilds that still play?). There's no way somebody is going to suffer through fighting AFK people, just to get their stacks of boxes.

    HA at least has a bit of a activity, though with the same type of PvP players as well. A lot of the regulars may have multiple alts, and friends with multiple alts to guarantee consecutive wins.

    Edited 11 times, last by Gypsy Voodoo (July 22, 2019 at 8:11 PM).

  • Ah sorry, to clarify I'm not trading cons to make money. Wanted to say that the only interaction I want with other people in game is to buy cons/runes/other necessities for personal use. I guess the benefit of inflation is that I can get all these from the free nicks gift ectos without touching my actual vault.

    Also not sure if I'm even connecting the dots right in regards to gold sellers, botters, power traders, whatever; but whatever it is smells fishy! Just want to let know whoever is doing these kind of things, there is someone out there that won't be fooled by it!

    PSA I dont think anyone should sell any q8 perfect item for anything less than the q9 eblade price! How is q8 15^50 runic axe go for 15a; while the q9 eblade is 70a; market manipulation!!! (if you argue eblade is rare drop, it is, but botters have near infinite amount of zkeys and can sit at zaishen for days, they probably have inventories full of eblades) goodbye runic axe :(

  • Hate to be that guy, but some r8s still drop.

    There was a typo max. I fixed it, then I realized that I misread the comment. Thought I read q8's should be priced lower than q9s. So just trashed it all lol. I even added more than what was quoted, that went into saying some still drop. But, after I edited and realized I misread, it became trash. Looked like your Revision skills were point on, seconds before I edited haha. But yes, Swords, Shields, and offhands drop max still.

    Edited once, last by Gypsy Voodoo (July 22, 2019 at 7:54 PM).

  • Sorry for confusion; pre-nerf items ARE the things that should be worth a lot. The eblades/bds/vs whatever is what is being manipulated. And well atleast its harder to farm the q8s that can still drop vs the prior mentioned items.

    I know q9's arent that rare, but I still think it should be worth more than the free 15 ectos you get from nick.

  • I agree. I originally misread your 2nd post completely wrong. Pretty much at a 100% agreement here lol. Non perfect mod q8 PreNerfs (Axe,Hammer,Bow, etc.) should always be worth more than any q9 dropped today.

    But, as a buyer of perfect q8's, I'm glad this isn't always the case for the perfect modded ones, especially the mods that people seem to disregard the most (15-10, 15-5, 20%, etc). As I don't buy anything else but q8's, I don't really pay as much attention to those eternals,ob edge,bds, etc.

    As a seller of q8 non perfects, I wish these were priced higher than all q9's out there today, but I'd never be able to sell to anybody if I tried for the same prices lol (for the majority of the time at dual mod shields and dual mod offhands can raise a lot of bids if were talking about 1 offs from high demand dual modded items)

    Edited 2 times, last by Gypsy Voodoo (July 22, 2019 at 8:05 PM).

  • New theory from this discussion: since botting/gold selling lead to inflation & drove the prices of almost all items into the ground (e.g. OS q9s, pretty much every insc item, etc) gold sellers/botters needed something other than just arms/ectos to have value and chose eblade/bds etc (I guess this was their only logical choice as you cant farm prenerf items).

    Why? Maybe to enter the marketplace of 'high rollers' and gain access to pre-nerfs. Maybe they need it for people to want & buy arms/ectos, idk. Still only half a thought/not sure how this all comes together.

  • Its just supply and demand.. back in day q8s used be as common as q9s are now, i remember time when q8 15^50 sold for 30plats.. Sure now things have changed and whats the most important is there seem be demand for insc items and less OS collectors, thats why insc item prices stay up even if they arent that rare.

    I personally dont belive gold sellers and botters or scrs matter for those prices..

    Many still dropping q9s are hundred times rarer then many prenerf items and still their prices arent even close the same, its all about the demand.

    and also, god that annoys me talk about "Free nick ectos", its not free, you must spend awfully much time to get them, way more than id ever bother for few ectos lol.