Hi Everyone,
(pre-apologies for scattered thoughts and sentences, just trying to quickly shoot this out at work)
Just wanted to see anyone elses opinion on this topic. After reading some recent posts (eblade/bds prices, etc) and some private investigations (see screenshot) the idea of people giving their precious items to gold sellers/botters for nothing popped up in my head. I feel like the current economy is most likely dominated by these types of players, and they probably have a ridiculous amount of "wealth" they farmed. Then they trade the arms/ectos/eblades/bds etc they put barely any effort into getting for your 10+ year old non replicable items and gain actual "wealth". This makes me not want to participate in trading with anyone other than for cons/small value items/etc; maybe I'd trade item for item with a player whose been long time active on this site, but arms/ectos/eblades/bds etc I feel have no value.
-Guy PM'ing me offering me items to trade bc I said I dont want arms/ectos. Kama chat with similar items being sold/also selling arms for real $.
Maybe I'm overreacting, and maybe noone cares, and even though I've only recently returned to this game (although it was at one time my favorite game, and so much nostalgia) but gold sellers, botters, the economy, etc really bother me and makes me sad the game is kind of messed up! I feel like I'd rather trash my items then give to a gold seller/botter.
Also would anyone ever trade their q8 15^50 longsword for a q9 eblade? Why is something like an OS q9 15^50 worth less than the "free" ectos from nicks gifts every week?
PS: If I made the wrong connections with the PM/kamadeclytpe, I'm sorry, but the coincidence is too great.
PPS: Based on other forum discussions, is botting/gold selling even frowned upon any more?