Going to start offering Speed Book runs
What is a Speed Book? It is completing the minimum amount of pages in a Hard Mode Hero Handbook, 8 pages is required but 5 pages come pre-filled with every book leaving us with 3 mission to run after which you will be able to pick 3k reputation in any EoTN titles (vanguard,norn,asura,delver) . Read more here wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/Speed_booking
The only requirement is full completion of the Eye of the north campaign
Pricing is as follows:
1+ Book 1 Person= 6e
1+ Book 2+ people = 5e
Eotn Tours Also Available
most books tend to be 5e, message me 10-20 minutes before and i can advertise and message people to drop the price and help myself out.

HM Eye Of the North Speed Booking
Noahz -
October 7, 2019 at 6:28 AM -