2e charr 10/hp 30 shield
Posts by Noahz
I've tried asking dozens of R/A in st a for the meta moss farm build, 99% are set to offline. You are lucky your message got through... albeit in that strange foreign language.
Winnowing, storm chaser and then normal whirling build
Could you technically equip it while unid and go hit the dummies to work out what mod it actually was gonna roll? Just a thought.
Sure can! That's why buying unids in presearing died out.
Today I couldn't find anybody selling Pahnai Salad so I grabbed "Material Girl" on a toon and went out to Jarin 1 hitting lvl 1 Iboga for petals (wasn't sober).
First run I got a q0 4-6 dmg 3g ram hammer, thought it was super cute and instantly wanted more. Much time later, many Iboga petals acquired and the Plains Of Jarin req 0 minimum dmg stat low gold value weapon collection was born.
Still need to find a 3-6 scythe and 2-5 axe. Maybe get something in NF low lvl that can drop daggers cause nothing I killed did
I farm plains very consistently and you can pull a no req purple more commonly then one with a req from the instani chests in the area, range from 12-14gold most commonly
Also pretty sure I've never gotten a dagger drop in plains.
Wow, ok now that just sounds insane when you put it in that perspective lol. When will they come out with the EL Lockpick?
I didnt estimate your retention just 1:1 but still thought itd be cool!
Wish I knew how many more low level chests I have opened for Q8 runs..
Approx 67,000,000 in lock picks at town price. Pretty insane
New shields
Looking for a nice Inscribable 8-17 or i think 9-17 is possible? please post if you have everything so we can discuss prices
ign-I Waste Money -
I used to do the R/A whirling ToC farm in fissure of woe, I recently switched to D/A sand shards which means they all die at different times but within 5-10 seconds of each other, noticed significantly more shard drops on Dervish. This is just my observation, never kept records etc.
*also never paid attention to favor as I'm going for shards during pantheon.I do the same in pre with fire storm I kinda backpedal the mobs into it so they dont all die at once and I see alot more drops aswell. But for the sake of consistancy I felt this would be best.
To me the effect of instance time became very clear when I was running the unlocked chests from Charr Reinforcements. One test showed that opening them asap after load yielded 11 items in 10 runs, while opening them after waiting 1 minute in the map yielded 42 items in 10 runs. These chests may be different from enemy npcs (but they are also different from locked chests, because they can drop between 0-3 items each), but it is possible that this is a general mechanic.
The next question is, does waiting before killing actually result in a higher yield? That depends on total run time and average increase in drop chances.
Btw, are the runs you're logging during favour or not? Either would work I think, as long as all runs are the same.
Love the input! And all favorless runs as I have a different spot for when favor is active
how do you kill them? What build? A AoE build that kills them simultaneously or one that kills them one by one? Because many claim that kill rate has an influence. This is an interesting topic that definitely is worth looking into! With the data there'd also be numbers. But you'll have to farm quite some items, which means quite some runs....
and if the first statement is true, you will have fewer drops per run resulting in even more runs to get the same data sample. And you'd need to make sure you are on the same level of factor 1 in order to compare runs for factor 2.
Looking forward to data! And results!
Whirling Build, all at once. And yes ive read and do believe killing them at once decreases drop chance, but also i think this way getting a sample size can be done alot more efficient. Very Barebones right now but this mostly stems from me wanting to find out if just being on the map longer can yield higher results. less interest in the repeated runs rumor (this one personally don't believe but will see).
In this spreadsheet i will be attempting to log each run to find out the truth about this disputed claims
1. Repeated farming of the same area results in a progressive reduction of drops.
2.The drop rate from the first foes killed in the area is less than normal; after several kills, the rate returns to normal.
- Some believe that the governing factor is time; some believe it is both time and number of kills.
I kill 24-25 snowmen every run no more then 1 will ever be left or that run will not be logged.
Hypothesis- time in the instance WILL increase drop chances.
UPDATE 1- Added times/rearranged the table (I personally thinks it's easier to read now). Added hypothesis
Unfortunate Strength attribute But i like this one
hard sell in pre, alot of us give them away on the nick day, but maybe can pull 5-10 each from someone who dosent have some
Please Collect Your Salient's In Game !
since i hate it myself when sellers update with mysterious ingame bids, confirming that 20e bid from ingame on the salient
q7/Ar15 purple Militia Shield insc ?
Merch for nonmax, or could still fetch something?
Just started my dagger grind so this gives me good hope.
Mr. Clean(-Value) Close, thanks for the spot idea hopefully ill pull a max pair soon.
Mantids hate me more then i hate them.
Bump new C/o On Salients
Req + 8 = max armor
a no req shield max armor rating is 8
oof it was a ar 8 purple youre right apologies!
not sure how frequent youre pulling them but i have gotten a few no req purple ar 10s from the charr in pre if that helps any (not oakens or insc obviously)
Pretty much the title. Was wondering where a common spot to farm low req inscribed daggers was. thanks for input
was almost a beauty
Bump Added New stuff
Hey recently came back, they closed my thread for good reason the other day. But shoot me a pm- I solo things , can possible get this done for you just been a few months since a run .
Going to start offering Speed Book runs
What is a Speed Book? It is completing the minimum amount of pages in a Hard Mode Hero Handbook, 8 pages is required but 5 pages come pre-filled with every book leaving us with 3 mission to run after which you will be able to pick 3k reputation in any EoTN titles (vanguard,norn,asura,delver) . Read more here wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/Speed_booking
The only requirement is full completion of the Eye of the north campaign
Pricing is as follows:
1+ Book 1 Person= 6e
1+ Book 2+ people = 5e
Eotn Tours Also Available
most books tend to be 5e, message me 10-20 minutes before and i can advertise and message people to drop the price and help myself out. -
sorry guys just 1 more as i seen people purchasing r13s and it brought up some confusion as to why theyd be looking for these reqs . sorry to bother just didn't wanna make new post