It treated me like shit. Will l ever get a decent cele scepter....

How did Guild Wars treat you today?
Not a merch drop
Divine and prot is a fine combo.
Not much value i assume but definitly not merch!
Agree with not merch. Forbidden doesn't drop as heal or prot req, only df and smite, so this is closest to a prot forbidden staff you can get.
Some Kilroy Fun
Are Krytan Axes like this one worth anything these days?
Got the optimal sword to use vs undead while killing an undead in a fowsc (none of the mods were added by me). A nice gold value as well.
Some Kilroy Fun
Are Krytan Axes like this one worth anything these days?
Nice, yes, there should be interest on that Krytan Axe
9% is max on purp.
10% on gold, but, q8 gold only goes to 18% hsr
i thought it was nice
was almost a beauty
On 420g value I would been "highly" Interessted
with that (1)4-20 dmg. Also I got a caster with 14-20dmg. But 420g on q8 item is insane to get actually. But possible. It's still what I call a "quick maff" item (two plus two is four :D) 2+2=4/ 224g. So you could say that celestial ting goes skraaaaaap skibidi bap bap xD
Mr. Clean(-Value) #quickmaths
- Official Post
Today let me acquire some new shinies.
On 420g value I would been "highly" Interessted
with that (1)4-20 dmg. Also I got a caster with 14-20dmg. But 420g on q8 item is insane to get actually. But possible. It's still what I call a "quick maff" item (two plus two is four :D) 2+2=4/ 224g. So you could say that celestial ting goes skraaaaaap skibidi bap bap xD
I'm sorry...
Display Spoiler
But q8 drops up to 35g unid value. Then a random is added (in the range 1 to unid value) maxing at an additional 35g. Then the rarity factor is applied (1 for w/b, 2 for prp, 4 for gold) resulting in a maximum of 280g. So it cannot happen...
It certainly was a possible drop - before the great nerf. But gl finding a nonmax (14-20) q8 (which was like q9 nowadays) sword from that time at a value that is even pretty high for a today-q9-back-then-q8 drop...
Also on higher req it would still not be possible, since the max unid value of a 14-20 sword is quite a bit short of the 52g required at least for a 420g id value...
Red Fireball a eternal shield q8 duo Max mods with 412g was sold here on forum. So I assumed. Then it was a old drop. That eternal on 400g could have been a ultra luxury flagship piece for my collection. (I allrdy had a appointment at my local organ-dealer to sell my kidney, but while laying on the OP table aka mustard stained kitchen table I scrolled Legacy and saw its sadly 412g. So yeah long story I still got 2 kidneys, 1 can kidney beans and no q8 eternal clean value xD)
There was a 300g q8 stance and ench mixed but it never went for sale here sadly
Okay thanks for the info on post nerf gold value
that oaken is sweeeeeet
9% is max on purp.
10% on gold, but, q8 gold only goes to 18% hsr
Ah nice, so the drop was actually a perfect purple then. Might just be my new general all purpose staff for my RT. I tend to like arcane echoing EVAS.
that oaken is sweeeeeet
Looking for the insc version so I can use it as a running shield.
Red Fireball a eternal shield q8 duo Max mods with 412g was sold here on forum. So I assumed. Then it was a old drop. That eternal on 400g could have been a ultra luxury flagship piece for my collection. (I allrdy had a appointment at my local organ-dealer to sell my kidney, but while laying on the OP table aka mustard stained kitchen table I scrolled Legacy and saw its sadly 412g. So yeah long story I still got 2 kidneys, 1 can kidney beans and no q8 eternal clean value xD)
There was a 300g q8 stance and ench mixed but it never went for sale here sadly
Okay thanks for the info on post nerf gold value
If you want to get caught up in the semantics and weeds (pun intended ;), there is a thread somewhere on Legacy that was a... we will say a friendly debate for sake of argument.... about whether or not a q8 item with a value above the 280g threshold (prenerf) is worth more than a q8 item with the exact same mods but value below 280g (likely postnerf). For example....
Q8 Max Dusk Blade +5e with 420g
Q8 Max Dusk Blade +5e with 240g
First of all, the 2nd one will probably never exist even though it could, but would someone really say when considering to purchase the 420g one "I think I will wait to pay less for the next 240g one to be available".
Oh and since neither are an even 200g, 300g, or 400g, they are both just merch food right? hehe jk!
not sure how frequent youre pulling them but i have gotten a few no req purple ar 10s from the charr in pre if that helps any (not oakens or insc obviously)
If you want to get caught up in the semantics and weeds (pun intended ;), there is a thread somewhere on Legacy that was a... we will say a friendly debate for sake of argument.... about whether or not a q8 item with a value above the 280g threshold (prenerf) is worth more than a q8 item with the exact same mods but value below 280g (likely postnerf). For example....
Q8 Max Dusk Blade +5e with 420g
Q8 Max Dusk Blade +5e with 240g
First of all, the 2nd one will probably never exist even though it could, but would someone really say when considering to purchase the 420g one "I think I will wait to pay less for the next 240g one to be available".
Oh and since neither are an even 200g, 300g, or 400g, they are both just merch food right? hehe jk!
i mean im probably not the correct person to ask this, but i have considered buying dupes of certain staves etc to fit gv with their counterparts...
Not happy bout it, not mad about it
i mean im probably not the correct person to ask this, but i have considered buying dupes of certain staves etc to fit gv with their counterparts...
I fully understand! I don't see any problem with collecting items or wanting one in particular as it relates to it's gold value, I just wouldn't consider one to be more valuable cause it dropped before or after nerf and has the same stats otherwise.
another nice drop from the charrs. My 2nd dual mod fire wand in 13 yrs of playing. 1st was a 16/17 that I sold for 100k wayyy back in the day lol
not sure how frequent youre pulling them but i have gotten a few no req purple ar 10s from the charr in pre if that helps any (not oakens or insc obviously)
Req + 8 = max armor
a no req shield max armor rating is 8
Req + 8 = max armor
a no req shield max armor rating is 8
oof it was a ar 8 purple youre right apologies!
If you want to get caught up in the semantics and weeds (pun intended ;), there is a thread somewhere on Legacy that was a... we will say a friendly debate for sake of argument.... about whether or not a q8 item with a value above the 280g threshold (prenerf) is worth more than a q8 item with the exact same mods but value below 280g (likely postnerf). For example....
Q8 Max Dusk Blade +5e with 420g
Q8 Max Dusk Blade +5e with 240g
First of all, the 2nd one will probably never exist even though it could, but would someone really say when considering to purchase the 420g one "I think I will wait to pay less for the next 240g one to be available".
Oh and since neither are an even 200g, 300g, or 400g, they are both just merch food right? hehe jk!
That sounds like a philosophical topic. An rarety is not the only factor that leads to value. An example that comes in my mind is the q8 blue darkwing defender. It's way more rare then a gold one but still will sell for same price. Same goes for 240g value q8 weapon and 420g q8 weapon I think.
Me personally I would pay more for a 200 300 400g item then for a none one, but I doubt the majority of buyers share that mindset
And yes a 412 duo Max mods q8 eternal shield is basicly merch food. I don't know who would spent more then 413g on such worthless stuff. Every one knows that merchant gold value is the only factor that defines a Real value on a item. I mean it's programmed by the devs and attached to item. Also shatam allways buys. Like the ecto prices players make are just made up and not part of the game. I think items should be sold for what is written on the bottom....
Maybe then I can finally start a q7 collection xD
excuse me wtf do you mean?? if you dont think its good ill gladly take it from you
But to be fair Oldsql cool my friend you really don't want a 20/20 wand be on a jade skin. That thing looks like a whisk ( a kitchen tool) Amber wands at least are pretty big. I wish you best of luck on your 20/20 and pray for you to get a nice skin or at least basic skin(That is cooler imo then jade)
I’ll also gladly take that 😂
excuse me wtf do you mean?? if you dont think its good ill gladly take it from you
He did not say it was bad, he said : close to greatness
144g = nm drop????!
Holy sheet nik ma man. G to the Z. And Gzizzle ma nizzle for shizzle nikizzle
144g = nm drop????!
Holy sheet nik ma man. G to the Z. And Gzizzle ma nizzle for shizzle nikizzle
in NM drop first run of the day
Well....this wins the week.
Mantids hate me more then i hate them.
- Official Post
I would almost be interested in that.. Lovely!