Looking to sell 50 x Voucher Traded 7th Year Gifts (Untradeable - will explain in the thread)

  • Hi,

    I'm a recently returned GW1 player with two accounts, one of 12 years of age and the other 11 years of age. As a result I have a significant number of birthday presents and vouchers, which I would rather sell than open. The focus of this thread is the vouchers, between the two accounts I have 50 of them. I'm aware that they and the gifts you exchange them for are untradeable, therefore unless anyone is interested in the method I propose I will have to open them up myself.

    I'm proposing selling them on a trust basis (sounds sktechy I know, bear with me!), at a discounted rate, where I would accept payment, open the gift, then trade the mini to the buyer. It's obvious that this is far from ideal, as there's no way of the buyer knowing that I would honour the agreement, I'm happy to do all 50 gifts individually so that the "maximum risk" to the buyer would be the value of a single gift (I include the "" as I know I would honour the agreement). I'm happy also to video the process to ensure that the buyer can see that I give them the mini that comes from the gift.

    I can completely understand how this is unconventional and may seem sketchy, however I can't think of any better way to attempt to "sell" these gifts and avoid opening everything myself.

    Pricewise I sold my tradeable 7th Year Gifts at 18e each last night (13 of them), and for these 50 I am looking at 12e each. I also have around 30 3/4/5/6th Year presents if anyone would be interested in those.

    If anyone is remotely interested please get in touch, I'm happy to talk and to do what I can to prove that I don't have any rogue intentions.

    Thanks for reading.

    IGN Rikke The Sly

  • bsoltan September 5, 2020 at 2:43 AM

    Closed the thread.