Chest Run: NF/HM - Domain of Fear - (Ghostly Staves / Eternal Shields / Storm & Eternal Bows)

  • Hi, my english is little, this tutorial will be concise. After multiples demands i create this tutorial.

    Chest Run: NF/HM - Domain of Fear.

    (Ghostly Staves / Eternal Shields / Storm & Eternal Bows)

    Location: Nightfall, Domain of Fear (HM). Start from Gate of Fear.

    Skins drop: Ghostly Staves / Eternal Shields / Storm & Eternal Bows. (Infos: all inscriptible. Not possible for this Chest Run: Ghostly Staves = Energy Storage, Soul reaping and Inspiration. Eternal Shields = Command, Motivation and Tactics).

    Requirement: No Warrior, Ranger, Elementalist, Necromancer or Monk, for first and second profession (see below for more infos). Best for this Chest Run: D/A, specialy for: Cower in Fear, environnment effect.

    Time: 2-6 minutes for 0-4 chests max.

    Domain of Fear

    (Note: Possible others zones on Domain of Fear, but South-East offer more chests with easy access).


    1. Why not use: Warrior, Ranger, Elementalist, Necro and Monk for first and second profession? Because mobs use: Fingers of Chaos. It's not impossible, but more hard. For run here, D/A classic runner is a good build.

    2. From gate of Fear, exit to: Domain of fear. Direction South, by the left side. The only difficulty is 2 groups. First: group with Monk Boss: Flame of Fervor. On the group: Rain of Terror, use magic water and slowed your run. Second: group after Boss, direction South-East, same problem: Rain of Terror.

    Before use Shadow Form, for run Boss and second group with elementalists, check if one Arm of Insanity cast: Quickening Zephyr. (depend composition of group with Boss). Take advantage of the spirit effect to reload Shadow Form faster in order to run the 2 groups. Or, run fast if there is no Arm of Insanity and place heros on second group for lure. Here, job of heros is die for more easy acces of zone (90% of time).

    (Note: After 2 groups, only: Scythe of Chaos interrupt you skills/Shadow Form).

    3. For drop Ghostly Staves, Eternal Shields, Storm and Eternal Bows, you open chests only accompanied by: Terrorweb Dryder. All others chests not drop skins previously named. Except 3 chests on zone South-East (Terrorweb Dryder start position on Chests, but run as soon as you approach, for other position). See pictures on below:

    (After 2 groups East on water).

    (Extreme South on South-East zone).

    (On the slope, West of South-East zone).


    I trashed stats, but it is not uncommon to see drop. Little + for drop Elite Tomes , all professions possible.

    Note: Wiki fail for Ghostly Staves infos [MAJ on the wiki by @Looney 27.11.2022]. Inscriptible version, for 21 attributs possible, all exist, except: Heal, Protection, Restoration and Fast casting. Recall: Not possible for this Chest Run: Ghostly Staves = Energy Storage, Soul reaping and Inspiration. Eternal Shields = Command, Motivation and Tactics). For this check Zaishen Chest. See picture on below for see all version of Ghostly Staves inscriptible:

  • Hi, I used to do this chest before Eotn was realised. I paid someone to show me this "secret" chest run. I just came back to this game and have a collection of ghostlys, eternal sheld and stormbow from this run.

    I thought about trying to run chests again and this route and found this info.

    Anyway, brings back good memories.

  • Hi,

    If you want to find information on selling prices, you can look at the subject in my signature (even though I have nothing to sell at the moment).

    I should post a video and refresh this tutorial, my technique is more evolved and faster today. But the place I'm targeting is the best place for it. If you want to get Eternal Shield q8 blue inscr. you can farm the first 2 groups of dryders from the Gate of Pain co-op (a video should be made there too). But with this farm, forget the Ghostly Staff, it's just for the shield and bows low req.

  • Hi,

    If you want to find information on selling prices, you can look at the subject in my signature (even though I have nothing to sell at the moment).

    I should post a video and refresh this tutorial, my technique is more evolved and faster today. But the place I'm targeting is the best place for it. If you want to get Eternal Shield q8 blue inscr. you can farm the first 2 groups of dryders from the Gate of Pain co-op (a video should be made there too). But with this farm, forget the Ghostly Staff, it's just for the shield and bows low req.

    Thanks, that would be cool.