Posts by Neutral_CH

    I insist but with other versions :*

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    Except this..

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    ok another night :p

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    Suite et fin :P

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    I'm stagnating in the '80s"..

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    (this orchestral version is terrible->)

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    (Yes! Giorgio Moroder contributed to the OST of The Never-Ending Story... ->)

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    I've never understood the meaning of questions like that. Asking people instead of experimenting yourself. Every answer will be different and won't correspond to your own opinions. Unless you need influence (influencers/social networks?) to decide for you how to make your life choices.

    No answer will be right if you open a topic like: what's the best of the best of all time?

    Just let go and play the game - experience will shape your choices. There's no such thing as the best of the best. It's not a static, timeless element.


    Update -- June 28, 2024

    The User Agreement presented in-game has been updated to match the ArenaNet agreement.

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    The User Agreement has been localized into French, German and Spanish.

    The Italian, Japanese, Korean, Polish, Russian and Taiwanese language versions are in English.

    There is a more pleasantly formatted version at .

    I haven't yet had time to look at this in detail and see the differences/new features of the present contract.

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    Stand your Ground, to counter the -20 armor of Aggressive Refrain and possibly if SY is not active on allies (not possible gain adrenaline -> Soothing Images for example or blind or block attacks)

    Inspirational Speech, no self target.

    Dark Fury, not enough heroes using attacks and adrenalin (1 maximum in the group). And with group full humans you have to convince a player to equiped it and play it well.

    After that, as i said, i'm playing this for now, but like the Magic cards deck, it's only by testing the deck that you can see what changes need to be made. The build will surely change. However, the first SY build posted is definitive.

    I'm a bit rusty, i had erased my Para a long time ago. I invented the first builds to farm the Sword of the Dead in HM solo in early 2007 and others things (farm FoW, Vermins, etc). I had also made some youtube videos, deleted around 2009, seen 50k-60k. These were the builds that served as the basis for PvX at the time. So i know the Para very well ^^ but i'm still not satisfied with my current build.

    Basically i like this build:

    OQGjUimKKTDZYFievlpbXFAh7YA Spear Master: 8 + 1 Command: 10 Leadership: 12 +1 +3 (Asuran Scan for anti-blind and skills to avoid attacks).

    I'm reluctant to play the new elite PvE, i find it powerful for sure, but boring to play, a bit like ST in Rtl. I also prefer to have no constraints on incantation time and maintenance outside combat.

    I was looking for a way to play SY with Heroic Refrain. Since i can't use Focused Anger at the same time, i was calculating these differences to reach 8 adrenaline. Even if Heroic Refrain slows me down during its 1sec incantation (which i don't like with this elite).

    In short, Natural Temper sucks in this case :D i prefer to increase my attack speed instead + For Great Justice (Make Your Time reloads too slowly and To the Limit depends too much on enemies). I'm still building but i'm not satisfied with this PvE elite :/

    Edit: For now, i'll play that. Although the obligation to take They're on Fire still bothers me :P

    OQGjUimKKTn19YieXF1YAh7YubA Spear Master: 8 + 1 Command: 10 + 1 Leadership: 12 +1 +3

    In view of the fact that any attack would be successful with a javelin, i was wondering which single boost would be the most suitable to quickly reach 8 charges of adrenalin.

    • Spear: attack speed = 1,5 sec. (1,5 sec = 1 adrenalin charge)
    • +33% attack speed: (1,5 sec x 0,66 = 0,99 sec for 1 adrenalin charge) (0,99 sec x 8 = 7,92 secs. for 8 adrenalin charges)
    • +33% adrenalin: (1,5 sec = 1,33 adrenalin charge) (8:1,33 = 6,015... ) (1,5 sec x 6,015... = 9,0225.. secs for 8 adrenalin charges)

    Is my calculation right?

    Un ptit souvenir des années 90" pour les frouzes d'à côté :*

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    It all depends on whether or not the author of this topic wants to share it with someone who's been looking for it for a long time, or whether for a few more armbraces (or not) he's willing to sell it to anyone.

    In that case, i'd say it's more appropriate to sell it to the person who's been looking for it the most. Also out of empathy and kindness. It's not as if this item could exceed xxx(x) armbraces.

    But i understand that finding sympathetic players to swap elements in the game has become rare.

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    Not so pure after all :D

    So if you like trashy stuff, I kept this one aside out of hesitation, i'm letting go of the beast.

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    Incredible. A 040 error stole my last drop!

    I'm sure of what i'm saying, because it just happened before my eyes. I chestrun, as usual, 30 items. I had 29, i /resign, to return to the zone and make the last one. No luck, no chest linked to the Dryders... i re- /resign, no luck again /resign, the front-end download blocks, error 040. Impossible to reconnect to the account, 040, 040, etc. I close the program, reconnect, and my last item dropped has disappeared! :|


    [Joke mode] Ask for more than 10a, he'll pay whatever it costs :P

    To be more fair, i'd say that given the time he spent looking for it and “up” his subject right here, to buy that staff, giving him that staff might seem just as fair.

    If it were q9, i'd say 30-50a, q10 is usually a price divided by 2 compared to q9, so 15-25a max. And if he dares to refuse this price, i'll buy it from you for 25a nah! :*

    Inscriptible purple Eternel shield are less valuable in themselves than an gold inscriptible Eternel shield.

    The purple chaos axe is different, since it's only droppable in a NF mission (Drakes on the Plain -> Obsidian Furnace Drake - if i'm not mistaken). So it would be more valuable than your shield, which can be obtained from chests and mobs (without quest). Not to mention a co-op that everyone will do one day if they finish NF in NM with a caracter x or y (gate of pain)

    It's not going to make them any money, so why do it? Are you going to tell them how to work for free and justify this cost, which doesn't earn the company anything? I don't think so, they can invest that money and manpower elsewhere. Then i don't quite agree that it's “easy” - far from it. Either detection is automatic and, what's more, “gentle”. Or it's human and (too) arbitrary. And even if you had superpowers, like Xavier in the X-Men, and could know who to ban for life, those who have been using bots for a long time will still have a potential wealth that a “normal” player will never be able to reach.

    No, it's definitely their ascension that needed to be stopped, over 10 years ago, today it's dead.

    Bots have more accounts than your average person. I don’t see how that solution is better when a botter with 10 accounts can then just exchange 5 arms (that they botted) on each account for 1 of some “new currency” every day to reach their limit 10x and still end up with more than the normal person.

    I also don’t agree making arms untradable is the right idea because that just screws everyone who plays legitimately and has armbraces.

    I don’t agree that there are “many ways to do it”. There isn’t even one easy solution imo and botters in ANY game will ALWAYS find a way to get ahead - that’s just reality.

    I have no solution to suggest of my own because other than ANET investing in bot detection and banning I don’t think there is anything that can be done that isn’t just an ineffective bandaid, and waste of development effort, in the long run.

    Agreed :thumbup:. No viable solution left. The “economy” no longer exists on GW1, because Anet has concentrated on other games which have different economic systems and which bring in more money IRL. Abandoning GW1 in terms of development. AND let's not forget..... (Continued after the 2nd spoiler)->

    No :thumbdown:. This will never happen. Because let's not forget that the code governing GW1 is a load of crap, either to modify or to add new content (and it's far from the only game in this case). This is one of the main reasons why development on this game was abandoned, especially after the NF code was implemented in the game (creating band-aids and banning players who accidentally find exploits left in the code is not a viable long-term technique). Far too many bugs and exploits could see the light of day if someone “plays” too much with this code today. So stop dreaming, even if Stephen tries to do something with this rotten code, nothing will change fundamentally speaking, the bots have won and will self-destruct in the process.

    If you don't accept the fate of this game today, you'll never accept it, whatever the will of those involved.