Hi does anyone know of a good way to solo farm plagueborn items?
I was thinking Shing Jea Island in HM; maybe Zen Daijun Mission where there are plenty of warrior groups with less skills and levels.
Mainly looking to farm a perfect plagueborn sword & shield in my spare time or when I get bored. (these were my first gold items in guildwars 2006)
I'll ponce around in the mean time and try a few ideas myself.
Edit: Zen Daijun Mission isn't so great as you have Togo and Headmaster to carry, the explorable is probably a better shout.

Plagueborn Farming
i recommend this chest run: Chest Run: Factions - The Undercity - NM & HM
you can just get the first 2 chests and repeat again, lots of plagueborn weapons will drop