i need a run to get to ruin of morah i am already in the outpost before the desolation plane.

Lf a run from desolation plane to ruin of morah
I can run you. Hit me up in game or on discord.
Good Ole Sepulture
ok i will , do i need any specific quest in order to pass the gate outside ruin of morah i know there is some kind of enemie that need to be killed in order to make the bridge collapse.
Yes you need to complete a quest in order to enter the outpost. We can figure it out, I may have to help you through some quests.
i believe the quest i need to do is called a deal's a deal
Yes, thats correct. I can help you sometime today if you want.
yes i will be online tonight for sure , ign Shizune Chix
***mod edit---reminder..24 HOURS between bumps, ANY and ALL posts you make in your own thread ARE bumps, in the future use the EDIT function to add information (or pm/conversation)--mod edit***
haha wait what. did a mod just edit our private messages? this site has some funky rules. jesus fuckin christ haha.
***mod edit--please keep conversations to PMs and no we did not, only added the reminder to posts, and reminder here: place a bid or do not post, questions, comments or responses should be done via pm---mod edit***
February 27, 2020 at 3:14 AM Closed the thread.