Changed the title of the thread from “WTS Unded Mad Kings Guard and Yeti” to “WTS Unded Mad Kings Guard and Yeti Pre Searing Grawl Destroyer Ceratadon”.
Changed the title of the thread from “WTS Unded Mad Kings Guard and Yeti Pre Searing Grawl Destroyer Ceratadon” to “WTS Unded Yeti Pre Searing Grawl Destroyer Ceratadon”.
Changed the title of the thread from “WTS Unded Yeti Pre Searing Grawl Destroyer Ceratadon” to “WTS Unded Yeti Pre Searing Grawl Destroyer Ceratadon Pre BD 6=1a”.
Changed the title of the thread from “WTS Unded Yeti Pre Searing Grawl Destroyer Ceratadon Pre BD 6=1a” to “WTS Unded Yeti OS Q9 Perfect Magmas Shield Pre Searing Grawl Destroyer Ceratadon”.
Changed the title of the thread from “WTS Unded Yeti OS Q9 Perfect Magmas Shield Pre Searing Grawl Destroyer Ceratadon” to “WTS Unded Yeti OS Q9 Perfect Magmas Shield Pre Searing Grawl Destroyer Ceratadon Lowered B/o”.
Changed the title of the thread from “WTS Unded Yeti OS Q9 Perfect Magmas Shield Pre Searing Grawl Destroyer Ceratadon Lowered B/o” to “WTS Unded Yeti OS Q9 Perfect Magmas Shield 30hp -5/20%”.
Changed the title of the thread from “WTS Unded Yeti OS Q9 Perfect Magmas Shield 30hp -5/20%” to “WTS Unded Yeti OS Q9 Perfect Magmas Shield 30hp -5/20% Pre Searing Grawl”.
Changed the title of the thread from “WTS Unded Yeti OS Q9 Perfect Magmas Shield 30hp -5/20% Pre Searing Grawl” to “WTS Pre Searing Grawl 300a (plus throwing in pre kuunavang leaving pre)”.