Hi guys, could use a quick PC on some of these items. Have been sitting on some of them for some time and always wondered wether they're actually worth something. THX in advance.
PC OS Plagueborn Shield, Caster Shield, some Q8 Stuff
As always ~ means approximately, so give or take a some, and your best way to find out is to post for sale.
1. ~50-100e
2. ~15-25a
3. 5e or merch
4. ~15-20a
5. ~5a
6. ~100-250e? single mod prenerf, but raven. could be very wrong, wait for more opinions
7. ~100-250e, maybe more depending on interest, hard to find, rare skin, perfect mods. cool in my book.
Don't let these estimates prevent you from making a sale. outside of what I've listed The market is weird these days.
Thanks for your reply. Some of these seem to really be worth something lol, didn't expect that. Any more opinions maybe ?
In my experience nowadays, your best bet is really just to post a sales thread and see what bids come in. It's really hard to accurately price something when it is very dependent on what buyers are interested. For what its worth, I will second Purely's comment as rough estimates
April 24, 2020 at 4:53 PM Closed the thread.