- Official Post
went the big,
went the big,
bigger than anything
ever seen in
a million billion
gazillion times of
nothing at all.
They then went
shopping for wellingtons
secret basement deep
and dark watery
dumped McDonalds soda
from the recent
riot that spread
through the kingdom
. Thieves and beggars
lapping the soda
laced with chemicals
and other household
items. Meanwhile, in
the mind of
a certain gentleman
who is currently
Pondering the idea
of which socks
would best match
with his shoes
which are under
the couch on (they actually were =o)
a golden pillar
of silver lined
swarm of gigantic
puffs of logic
infested plastic tipped
on top of
even more infested
immoral books about
long forgotten infestations
.Shiro said "whaaaaaaaaaaaaat?"
there are a
booger on my new