marzipan and cookie
3 word game
mobsters of the
blue sugary alliance
who drank some
blue sugary drinks
- Official Post
which made a
member of Legacy
devour all the
posts made by
- Official Post
those of the
mice and men
. On 1st April
light of day
beneath the hay,
of the missing
a snake hissing,
and was soon
swallowing the moon
- Official Post
over the bay
a lovely day
in lions arch
, undead so harsh
it's foul stench
rendered Fabreze useless
as communing spells
saved the juice
- Official Post
but not obtuse
glasses it was
- Official Post
rose colored clearly
inside the lines
of growing pines
full of those
son of moose
- Official Post
tracks in snow
said Ranger Nente
before she commited
the best of
what tamers do.
- Official Post
to their followers
Is so cool