hi guys and girls, i am looking for farming q7 q8 insc shields i will apreciated to some suggestions on places and chests runs if available, ty for help

farming q8 q7 insc shields
- Official Post
Fronis Liar NM, I once found a r8 sws inscr there and sold it for 100k way back in the day... felt like such a noob haha
hi athala, i drop some gold 7/15 in the last foes of cof, and usually farm shields in all places i can(check level foes to low golds), but if u want specific skin ... https://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/Creature_type this always helps me in all my hunts, check this too Chest running
anyway if u just need the shields and dont care if blue purple or gold.. try a masive foes farming or solodungeons, it will only be a matter of time, and favor ON for golds for sure
ty for tips and suggestions both
fenrir, one question which level of foes i must farm for golds or for blues? and favor of gods affect to the golds drop?
ty again for help if anyone can suggest more tips and where farm will be appreciated ty for share ur info