Shield 3 mods

  • Hey folks

    Any PC for this beauty would be awesome, especially Pleikki & Max
    Thx in advance.



    ~ xio

  • Damn sweet jesus, Just for your Fyi, thats the 1st 3 mod Paragon shield me (and i can speak for yoji who used collect these) has seen, So its Definetly someting!

    Price cannot be said, as nothing like this been ever sold so there isnt much to compare to, Mods are very nice and id imagine several ppl bidding if it market (including me)

    I cant remember exacly what yoji sold hes extra 3 mod shields last year but i remember then being ~750-1000e, so this should def be more

    Edited once, last by Pleikki (March 24, 2017 at 7:52 AM).

  • Rare? Yes. One of a kind like Ikki said. I wasn't even aware that triples could come with paragon requirement.

    Awesome? Well, only because it's rare.

    Useful? Barely.

    Valuable? Not so much. Rare doesn't always mean valuable unfortunately. For it to be worth a lot, there would have to be a market for it. And there simply isn't. Some people ask hundreds of armbraces for triple mod shields and never achieve that price, others won't pay more than 1000e for them. A few years ago I'd have said 50-100a, purely because several people would have been interested. These days there are no serious collectors for triple mod items so it'll be a case of someone wanting it for the sake of it. They'll be paying for the "look what I got" status, which means less and less these days.

    I think ikki's 750-1000e sounds about right, but it's worth a lot less these days because the demand just isn't there.


    "We are all in the gutter, but some of us are looking at the stars" - Oscar Wilde

    Edited once, last by MaxBorken (March 24, 2017 at 8:12 AM).

  • This is impossible to price. Don't you always say it's worth what people pay for it, Max? Well I would pay alot more for this than 1000e if it came to a bidwar. This is so epic. Slapping a price on this doesn't do justice to it. I can't describe how epic this is and how badly I want it. Awesome shield!


  • Well it's a case of each to their own I guess. For me, that shield, while certainly rare, barely registers as desirable. And it'll only be you and Ikki who would be interested. All the serious collectors are retired. Just you two left active.

    So I still don't see why it would go very high - it's just not awesome enough to drag anyone out of retirement. Possibly Yoji, but even if it did awake some sleeping giants, they wouldn't be able to mount a meaningful challenge because they don't have the capital. It's just not awesome enough.

  • Thanks for ur time mates. You're the 3 ppl i expected any opinion, and i got one.
    I will stay on Emma's, since it's impossible to get a triple mods anymore, and if not perfect, this shield is usable in many cases.
    Also, sorry Pleikki, he's gonna be never on sale.

    ~ Lao

  • Ye i have to add here, i never said its 750-1000e, but said yojis triples were sold that, and this should be definetly more! ;P

    I can say id be willing throw easy 3000e+ even some other 3 mods in trade for this, to some more accurate what it woul sell for ;p But ofc i cant say if there would be more ppl willing pay even more