Who stole Farmer Pitney's Prize Moa Bird?

  • At first, his fields are plagued by worms - nothing strange here yet. But then, his prize Moa bird disappears. And when you find it, it is in a sinister place - part of a blood ritual.

    Who took the Moa bird and placed it where you find it? Is this an early contact with Abbadon? Dhuum? Grenth? Did Pitney do this crime himself? Or is it simply the works of a local necromancer?

    Also - why does a simple Ascalonian farmer keep a sort of a Crystalline Sword - one of the more expensive weapons in the game?

    Is Pitney himself an avatar of some evil god?


  • The local necromancer could be Verata. He doesn't exactly act friendly towards the other primary profession trainers: when they meet, Van tells him "You'll not have a chance at my corpse anytime soon."

    Why Pitney would have a crystalline sword, that is a very good question. He doesn't even know how to fight until after the Searing. And I don't know why but I've always found him a bit suspicious, I think you're right he is definitely hiding something!

    >WTB< | ign Adanel Jade