Need 55k Alc, 58k sweet, 58k party

[Presearing] WTB Pcons (Cupcakes, corn, eggs)
shade -
October 25, 2020 at 3:32 AM -
Update: Need 49k alc, 58k sweet/party.Offering service of giving pre Nick sets to you and 250g per account, for the gifts assuming you don't bother normally. As well as offering you giving me post Nick sets and I give you the gifts for the service of you doing it for me in pre to make equal value. -
November 20, 2020 at 4:48 AM Changed the title of the thread from “[Presearing] WTB Party/Sweet/Alc Points 35g per point ~” to “[Presearing] WTB Pcons (Cupcakes, corn, eggs)”. -
Buying all cupcakes, eggs, and corn in pre searing! Let me know how much you got and we can come to a price aggreement! I am a serious buyer
May 19, 2021 at 1:00 PM Closed the thread.