A Better Tomorrow [END]

  • Hello everyone,

    [END] is recruiting and looking to build! We are a small laidback Kurzick PvE guild looking for folks who just want to play the game for fun and have a good time. We are in the [pupu] alliance, and we do a wide range of PvE activities, from Speed Clears to Zaishen Quests and casual playthroughs, with the guild leaning more towards the casual side.

    The alliance is primarily European with a few North American members, with the guild primarily North American-based. That being said we are open to all parts of the world.

    If you are interested and/or have any questions, feel free to hit me up in this thread, in-game or on Discord!

    IGN & Discord: Disruptor Tempest

  • bsoltan February 19, 2025 at 2:53 PM

    Closed the thread.