Posts by Speed Clear Ele
nvm no need those
So it's not anyone can enter, it's any LGiT member can enter which I find odd considering the fact that it's been funded by lgit alliance..
A thing of beauty
Yea now I'll try to finish another one.
I'll tease it here just for you !
Edit : as someone mentionned, I'm missing spawn X resto aswell as dom x inspiration for platinum collection to be done :^(
10e illusion outcast staff
Celestial 12, 30e
50a earth ghostly
9a démon outcast
have a q9 bramble, could sell if the offer is decent, just let me know
Q8 fire staff 4a
Best rq, hit me up if you wanna sell
8a blood staff
me me , I want it, me me
P1) Q9 Tac [+44 Ench] I'll do 3a then
Z4) Q10 Tac [+45 Ench] 3a