Posts by Cataphract
Still 155e on #7 SotW, interested in r/b, b/o.
50e on +5 Broadsword
25e on Naga Shortbow
Honeycombs ~~~ b/o: 80g ea 20k/stack (~2 stacks left)
Sugar drinks ~~~ b/o: 68g ea 1BD/stack (~3 stacks left)
Poppers/Sparklers/Rockets ~~~ b/o: 68g ea 1BD/stack (~9 stacks left)
44x Choco bunnies ~~~ b/o: 136g ea 6k all
I'll take all of these, please.
25x Ministerial Commendations -- 5e
11a Halfmoon
25e Prot Icon
#201: 2a
#211: 10eRetract#212: 10eRetract#219: 15eRetract#243: 15e
And 5e on each of these (17) Staves...
#160 Water
#161 Fire
#162 Fire
#163 Smiting
#165 Domination
#166 Curses
#169 Smiting
#170 Earth
#174 Curses
#177 Curses
#184 Death
#185 Fire
#186 Domination
#187 Water
#190 Air
#191 Earth
#193 Curses
EDIT: Retracted bids on +5 swords as I found several of them on my storage account.
Thank you for the staves!
req9 Chaos Axe 15^50 -- 15e
req9 Kaineng Axe +5 -- 10e
req9 Domination Inscribed Staff 20/20 x2 -- 5e /ea
conjuring staff 35e
conjuring staff 25e
150e #7 SotW
#7 SotW: 120e
#14: 50e
Conjuring Staff 15e
#14 Frost Artifact: 25e
q6/14 Tall Shield (Tacs) -- 25e
Gladius q9 +5
Flamberge q9 +5 Short Sword q9 +5
Long Sword q9 +5
20e each
Wands & Staves:
#15 -- 60e
#18 -- 10e
#26 -- 40e
Other offhands:
#27 -- 60e
#30 Req9str Exalted Aegis inscr
Q9 Domination Inscribed Staff 20/20-Illusion B/O
20e10e5eI'll take this one, and hope you eventually find one mixed with Inspiration. XD
1 Bouclier de Aaahaaaaaahaaaa -- 5e if it's Aegis ofAaaaarrrrrrggghhh
5a tops. Could be worth more to a collector, tho.
Suntouched Staff, and Forked Sword up to 20e maybe? The rest I'd just give to heroes.
Sold my q9 VS for 450e a few weeks ago.
Shining Blade, of course. The Mantle is nothing more than a genocidal cult. FREE KRYTA!