Bought some items, added several new.
Bought some items, added several new.
Here are the OS items:
1) Storm Artifact, req 12: HCT Air 19%, +10 vs Demons
2) Storm Artifact, req 11: HSR Air 20%, HCT 10%
3) Air Wand, req 10: Energy +5^50, HSR Air 20%
4) Air Wand, req 9, 10/10
5) Dragon's Breath Wand, req 9: HCT Fire 20%, Energy +5^50
6) Ghostly Staff, req 9 DF: HSR 20, HCT Air 20
7) Colossal Pick, req 9: 15/-5 en Dead Bow, req 10: +5 energy
9) Paper Fan, req 10 SP: Communing +1/20, +10 vs Fire
10) Shadow Bow, req 9: +5 energy
11) Fire Staff, req 10: 20/20 Fire
12) Plagueborn Hornbow, req 9: 15^50
G1) Torivo's Rage
G2) Aegis of Aaaaarrrrrrggghhh
Big thanks to everyone for their help! :heart:
Cloth of the Brotherhood x10
E19 -- 50e
ign: Antigone Amidala
20/20 Earth Staff Crystal Q9
b/o for me, ty
ign: antigone amidala
S7: B/o 250e
ign: antigone amidala
q9 15^50 composite bow 3e
ign: Antigone Amidala
S4 Gothic Defender +30/-2we
50e to start
Oooops, missed first bid for Air Staff. /facepalm
150e on the Spire 20/20 Air Staff req9
#8 - Q9 Bo staff Smiting 20/20
--- 350e
#9 - Q9 Bo Staff Divine 20/20 Heal
--- 400e
q9 str exalted aegis
Defender -2wE, -2wS, -3wH +30hp q11str (set only)
20/20 Earth Staff Crystal Q9
20/20 Air Staff Lightning Spire Q9
-- 50e each
Interested in b/o.
ign: Antigone Amidala
#8 - Q9 Bo staff Smiting 20/20 -- 250e
O11 - 250e
Air Wand q10 Air +5^50/20% Air 8e
Antigone Amidala
900e Gothic Defender
Storm Artifact - 200e
Antigone Amidala
50e Storm Artifact 10/10
825e Gothic Defender
Q9 Tactics - Gothic Defender +30 Health -2w/Stance
Q9 Tactics - Gothic Defender +30 Health -2w/Stance
q9 20/20 Air (Normal) Offer~
q9 20/20 Earth (Crystallized) C/o 150e~ Ivory B/o 2a~
10e on Air Staff
160e on Earth
Q9 Tactics - Gothic Defender +30 Health -2w/Stance -- 100e
500e on 30/stance
250e on 30/hex
I can't seem to be able to open the attachments for some reason.
Could you please add a description and/or upload images to imgur.com or something similar?
***MOD EDIT--either place a bid or do not post--if you need to make a comment PM THE OP!--this post is a NON-BID, this is your first warning---MOD EDIT***
#11 - 60e
Antigone Amidala
q9 20/20 Air (Normal) -- 10e
wts q9 soul r pronged fan -- 10e
#5 Channeling Rod = 20e
#11 Bleached Skull = 20e
6. Q9 War Hammer +5e (Lion skin), +30hp
I'd very much like to buy these:
Kepkhet's Refuge
Staff of the Kinslayer
Urgoz's Longbow
Kerrsh's Staff x2
Vanahk's Staff
53x Birthday Cupcake
85x Candy Apple
2x Master of My Domain +1 Attribute 20%
2x Health +30
4x Insightful
2x Health +30
1x Hale +30hp
123x Royal Gifts
15x Medals of Honor
57x War Supplies
ign: Antigone Amidala
5. Q9 20/20 Outcast staff curses
450e please
bump, seems like there is a lack of req8's let alone req7's on the market, does anyone have a rough idea how much a generic 15^50 req8 goes for?
I have sold my req8 15^50 FDS for 1200e a month or so ago.
10e each