Posts by Cataphract
All items from the PC thread are now on sale. Let's hope everyone finds something they like.
Starting bid on everything is 5 ecto.Shields:
S1- Ornate Buckler, req9 Tac, +10 vs Blunt/ -5/20
S2- GotH, req 9 Str, Reduces Weakness/ -3/hexed
S3- Gloom Shield, req 10 Str, +10 vs Cold/ -2/stance ---- c/o 20e (Zenedar)
S4- Tall Shield, req 9 Tac, +45/stance, -5/19
S5- Plagueborn Shield, req 9 Tac, -2/stance, reduces Crippled ---- c/o 5e (Zenedar)
S6- Embossed Aegis, req 10 Str, +10 vs Plants, -3/hexedS7- Tower Shield, req 9 Str, +10 vs Skeletons, +43/stance----- c/o 20e (hGt) --- b/o 25e [SOLD]
S8- Celestial Shield, req 11 Str, +10 vs Blunt, -3/hexed
S9- Peppermint Shield (AR 8, no req)
S10- Defender, req 11 Str, +10 vs Dragons, -5/19
S11- Defender, req 9 Str, +10 vs Slashing, -2 w/ench ----- c/o 320e (Zaishen) --- b/o 450e
S12- Tower Shield, req 10 Str, +60 w/hexed, +10 vs EarthS13- Defender, req 9 Str, +10 vs Undead, -2 w/stance----- c/o 50e (Six Nations) --- b/o 100e [SOLD]S14- SotW, req 9 Tac, +45 w/ench, -5/20[removed]S15- SotW, req 9 Tac, +30 hp, -2 w/stance[removed]
S16- Tall Shield, req 9 Tac, -5/20, +10 vs OgresS17- Tall Shield, req 9 Tac, +45 w/ench, -2 w/ench[removed]
S18- Tall Shield, req 9 Tac, -5/20, +45 w/ench
S19- Tall Shield, req 9 Tac, -2 w/stance, +10 vs EarthS20- Tall Shield, req 9 Tac, +30 hp, -3 w/hexed[removed]
S21- Amber Aegis, req 12, Tac, +45/-2 stance
S22- Aegis, req 10, Tac, Tactics +1/20, +30 hp
W1- Colossal Pick, req 8, 14/-5----- c/o 125e (Agent Chevy) ---- b/o 150e [SOLD]
W2- War Axe, req 9, 15^50
W3- Storm Artifact, req12 Air, HCT Air 19%/+10 vs Demons
W4- Air Wand, req13 Air, +5en^50, HCT 10
W5- Plagueborn Scepter, req10 Domination, 10/10
W6- Falchion, req 11, +5 en
W7- Long Sword, req 9, +5 en ---- c/o 5e (ChucKst0r)
W8- Long Sword, req 9, 15^50
W9- Shadow Bow, req 9, 15^50
W10- Scimitar, req 9, 15/-1 energy regen --- c/o 20e (Agent Chevy)
W11- Dadao Sword, req 9, 15 w/enchanted
W12- Dadao Sword, req 9, +5 energy ---- c/o 5e (ChucKst0r)
W13- War Axe, req 9, +5 energy
W14- Spiked Axe, req 9, 15^50
M1- Starfish Focus, req8 Insp, blue/insc
M2- Divine Symbol, req8 DF, blue/insc -
Still after some of these.
Q9 Composite Bow 15^50 -- 10k
IGN: Antigone Amidala
Thanks everyone for their insight.
Won't be merching anything just yet and will wait for some more price checks.
Hopefully, there will be some interest in the items as I'm gathering funds for a nice Defender / Tower Shield.Added shield to pc:
S21- Amber Aegis, req 12, Tac, +45/-2 stance -
Greetings everyone!
This will be a longer list of items I've found on my storage accounts. This PC thread is intended as preparation for sale.
All shields and weapons are gold and uninscribable. Here's the list:Shields:
S1- Ornate Buckler, req9 Tac, +10 vs Blunt/ -5/20
S2- GotH, req 9 Str, Reduces Weakness/ -3/hexed
S3- Gloom Shield, req 10 Str, +10 vs Cold/ -2/stance
S4- Tall Shield, req 9 Tac, +45/stance, -5/19
S5- Plagueborn Shield, req 9 Tac, -2/stance, reduces Crippled
S6- Embossed Aegis, req 10 Str, +10 vs Plants, -3/hexed
S7- Tower Shield, req 9 Str, +10 vs Skeletons, +43/stance
S8- Celestial Shield, req 11 Str, +10 vs Blunt, -3/hexed
S9- Peppermint Shield (AR 8, no req)
S10- Defender, req 11 Str, +10 vs Dragons, -5/19
S11- Defender, req 9 Str, +10 vs Slashing, -2 w/ench
S12- Tower Shield, req 10 Str, +60 w/hexed, +10 vs Earth
S13- Defender, req 9 Str, +10 vs Undead, -2 w/stance
S14- SotW, req 9 Tac, +45 w/ench, -5/20
S15- SotW, req 9 Tac, +30 hp, -2 w/stance
S16- Tall Shield, req 9 Tac, -5/20, +10 vs Ogres
S17- Tall Shield, req 9 Tac, +45 w/ench, -2 w/ench
S18- Tall Shield, req 9 Tac, -5/20, +45 w/ench
S19- Tall Shield, req 9 Tac, -2 w/stance, +10 vs Earth
S20- Tall Shield, req 9 Tac, +30 hp, -3 w/hexed
S21- Amber Aegis, req 12, Tac, +45/-2 stanceWeapons:
W1- Colossal Pick, req 8, 14/-5
W2- War Axe, req 9, 15^50
W3- Storm Artifact, req12 Air, HCT Air 19%/+10 vs Demons
W4- Air Wand, req13 Air, +5en^50, HCT 10
W5- Plagueborn Scepter, req10 Domination, 10/10
W6- Falchion, req 11, +5 en
W7- Long Sword, req 9, +5 en
W8- Long Sword, req 9, 15^50
W9- Shadow Bow, req 9, 15^50
W10- Scimitar, req 9, 15/-1 energy regen
W11- Dadao Sword, req 9, 15 w/enchanted
W12- Dadao Sword, req 9, +5 energy
W13- War Axe, req 9, +5 energy
W14- Spiked Axe, req 9, 15^50
Misc:M1- Starfish Focus, req8 Insp, blue/insc
M2- Divine Symbol, req8 DF, blue/inscAny input is greatly appreciated as I want to clean up my storage a bit. Thank you for your time and effort. :heart:
P.S. Mods, please close any other "pc" thread I might have forgotten about. There shouldn't be any open, but still - I'm pretty senile.
#4 and #9 - 5e each
ign Antigone Amidala
I'll take 10 stacks of feathers.
ign: Antigone Amidala
10k each:
Q9 Smiting Rod HSR Smite 20%, +5^50
Jitte 15^50
FDS +5
Chromium Shards 15^50
Chromium Shards +5 -
20/10 Bo
Curses, Fire, Illusion, Domination, Channeling - 20e each
A2 - 100e
To get it started.
s/b A1
IGN: Antigone Amidala
Need some price checks on this stuff that's just sitting in storage:
1) req 9 Domination CC, modded 20/20
2) 25 Golden Rin Relics
3) 250 Superb Charr Carvings
4) 216 Crates of Fireworks
5) OS SotW, req 9 tac, -2 stance/+10vs lightning
6) 250 Rainbow Candy Canes
7) Torivo's Rage (green envoy axe)Mini Celestial Pig (undedicated)
9) req 10 Smiting Bo Staff 20/10 -
Guys, I have to brag a bit:
I'd like to thank by GW buddies Exxus and Darc for helping out and keeping me company on this long journey.
We did Thunderhead Keep (NM) for my Explorer and Guardian titles. Sadly, everyone was infused. >__<
s/b on: 18, 37
#19 - 2eIGN: Antigone Amidala
q9 +5e Short Sword -- 5e
ign: Antigone Amidala -
All right guys, I'm looking for someone to run EotN dungeons in both NM and HM.
Let me know either here or via PM. thx
Still looking.
45. Dragon’s Breath Wand OS/Gold q9 Fire HCT 20% Fire +5 Energy ^50
10e for starters
Let me know r/b, thx. -
5e each:
Bo Staff q9earth 20/10
Bo Staff q9dom 20/10Let me know r/b, ty.
5e each to start these:
Q9 Earth Dragon Staff 20/10
Q9 Domination Bo Staff 20/10 -
My most precious item? That's easy:
What wasn't easy almost 10 years ago was finding one and winning the auction.
Bo Staff was the only skin I ever truly wanted for my favourite character - first and hardest GWAMM, half the total account playtime, Leia-buns-wearing, Wa/Mo-hating, Backfire-Infusing monk from Ashford.After a few nervous bids on Guru, b/o was posted and I had to take it. Ended up selling a lot of materials and items. I've also borrowed some Ectos and gemsets in order to meet the 1200 ecto price.
Customized it seconds after the trade was completed.My happiness was so great that for the next several days I even healed people standing in AoE.
Many thanks to everyone for their price checks and especially interest in these items.
You guys are great and I hate to disappoint - the items are not for sale at the moment. If I ever decide to sell, this will be the place I'll be selling them on.
As for the Fire Staff - it's Core skin. What would the price range be?
Ele staves (req 9, 20/20, OS):
-- Earth Staff, Obsidian skin
Naga Longbows, req 9, OS:
-- 15/stance
-- 15 vs hexed
-- 20<50
-- 20 w/hexed
-- 15/-1 energy regen
-- 15/-1 health regenAlso looking for:
Water wand, req 9, 10/10
Bo Staff, req 9 Smite, 20/20 SmitingCould also go for some Naga Shortbows too. Req 9, all dmg mods except 15^50, and +5 energy.
Let me know if you have some other ele wands or offhands. tyIGN: Antigone Amidala
Thank you.
Hello, everyone! o/
I'd really appreciate any help regarding these items:
P.S. Nice to see some old names from GWG, and that the community is alive and kicking.