15>50 Naga Longbow :: 3A
15>50 Naga Shortbow :: 3A
+5 en Naga Shortbow :: 1A
15>50 Naga Longbow :: 3A
15>50 Naga Shortbow :: 3A
+5 en Naga Shortbow :: 1A
r9 +5e Broadsword
Earth Staff - Q9 Earth - Halves casting time of Fire Magic spells 20%
5e on this one.
Sephis Axe -- 10e
Healing Ankh -- 20e
H5) Water Staff 20/20(Fire) q9 Water -- 5e
s/b Naga Shortbow
50e on 10/10 bowstring
Storm Artifact, 20e
Not too shabby, congrats.
DoA done already?
q12 Bo staff 20/20 air magic r/b 3a b/o 4a
b/o pls
I'll take the sweets, and party then.
ign: Antigone Amidala
Quote20% +1 Blood/Air Staff if anyone is interested.
3 ecto each
WAND (ele):
q10 Air Wand (air) 10/20% air
R9 Gothic Defender - +1 Smite (20%) -2Ench --- 20e
Let's start it off with 10a.
Q9 OS Zodiac Axe 15^50 - 10 Ectos
ign: Antigone Amidala