When the game first came out that's all you really had were henchmen, granted outposts carried player populations then but it was all doable at the time in normal mode anyways with just henchmen.
Posts by tw1tchcss
Merch food huh? I payed 25a for a Q7 white Fellblade just the other day, just because you don't like something doesn't mean you have to say some nonsense about it that you know nothing about. Ive spent 10-15a on many shields just like this one. You come up in here and run your mouth about something you know nothing about. Next time stick to platinum wands, or whatever other stuff you like to collect. There are multiple collectors who will pay arms for items like these including myself. You don't see me saying anything about stuff you like to buy. Now stop being a twat and stick to your own subjects nerd.
"Next time stick to platinum wands, or whatever other stuff you like to collect."
"You don't see me saying anything about stuff you like to buy. Now stop being a twat and stick to your own subjects nerd." -
Zodiac Hammer q9 15^Stance s/b 5e NEW
having same issue however going to international district seems to wowrk but that doesn't help me one bit.
b/o q9 strength exalted aegis
teh black knight
have chaelse staff
teh black knight
bump this ancient
q9 tac Exalted 41 wE -2wE
This thread reminds me a lot of the use of social media to bad mouth other people for peoples own personal ego. Let it go, you messed up. Pretty soon if you forget to flush a public toilet or unintentionally litter on the sidewalk you are going to banished forever. Pat yourselves on the back you guys are the real heroes! Lmao Digging up dirt on people is such a shameful way to live your life.
cringing so hard at the 'merch' posters, must be there favorite word when it comes to price checking. If not a decent sale absolutely Salvage this.
15e #2
30e #3
40e darkwing defender
if the 15/-1 not sold 18arm
ten arms on the fds
don't have a ratio...
b/o q9 fds 15/-5e
225e vamp fds
idk if offer on vamp FDS but 100e to start ?
plz msg about bo
teh black knight
5e q1 spear
its cute y not
Looking for some swords to finish off a little collection I have been working on for a while now.
q9 15/-5energy
q9 dualzeal / vamp
q9 +5 energy
also looking for Destroyer Spear/ Shield
More Guilds Please! /sarcasm.
40e plagueborn focus
b/o #2
ign Teh Black KNight
don't merch amethyst aegis salvage for mats
come on now it's a 14-20 common and no sorry despite nerf 15-22 is still max for q7, tell your friends [@cosyfiep]
will bid 58 gold however.
MOD EDIT to correct misleading info:
14-20 is the current max for r7 drops.
15-22 stopped dropping in 2006 for r7 swords.
i'll take 3 books possibly more if theres an odd number between that and 17 you could hit.
IGN teh black knight
just a question why do people try to sell 'garbage' to other people?
***mod edit--place a bid or DO NOT POST---Please take the time to read the Xunlai Market rules regarding bidding--this is a warning---mod edit***
100e on q8 zodiak 14%-10wA