Posts by Kabong
OS wooden and stone chakrams, aureate chalices, knife skin idoli and claw skin grim cestas for example! In nearly 20 years i still havent seen all of these even with usable dual mods, and only handful with any dual mods!
I dare to say theyre rarest OS items and even rarer than q8s
My attention was called to this thread; however, I question its value since it has been obvious for years that the economy has been effed by cheaters of all sorts. There's nothing new under the sun. Whether you hack or bot or RMT, it is obvious. Those who front and fence for the hackers, botters, RMTers and other cheats are no better and all contribute to the diminution of this game. It's sad. I'm more loyal than your average bear and have more stick-with-it-ness than most, but the state of the economy and rampant cheating has been enough to turn me almost completely off. It's just too hard to keep up through the good ol' wheeling-and-dealing that formed the backbone of every honest collection out there, and I'm not willing to compromise. {[PhD]}.
Why almost? Because the beauty of the game is undeniable and, underneath all the BS, the heart of it still beats. Tied to family and friends as it will always be for me, I hope it never ends. Here's an underappreciated beauty from the vaults to raise the spirits:
sb #12 GSHam
This is the way.
d1 2e just pm me
It was brought to my attention that the foundation upon which the R9 set above sits was never posted in this Collections thread.It's every Gold Max Oldschool R8 15>50 Hammer known in GW and it's been buried in my Museum thread for years.
I know many of you have seen it all before but maybe some new eyes will find it and enjoy.
r/b earth guardian
I whole-heartedly endorse hunting this hammer-bearing worm.
That is all I have to contribute.
retract as discussed gl
2 and 5: 2a each
10e gilded
10a on chakram
It's my only offer, do as you wish 👍
50e cane 84 (edited to add the number now that it has a b number)
That warsheep don't need no stinking crude
The Mausoleum is clearly beloved not only for the beautiful scenery sampled above, but also as the birthplace for some unique oddball equipment. I know others treasure and collect these items but one such piece has sat in my inventory as a misfit through many a Halloween, largely unknown to the community. This year, Kromp and I decided to dress up and give this bow the debut it deserves. Happy Halloween, Guild Wars!
I like virtual goods.
Keep 'em coming.
That's fine, I guess I like it.
250a bow