C13 Dom eternal 30e
D1 Dom cane 5e
E2 insp/Dom Chalice 5e
C13 Dom eternal 30e
D1 Dom cane 5e
E2 insp/Dom Chalice 5e
20e insp cock staff
3e r13 illu cane
1a gavel
10e cane and inspiration shield
5e earth bronze shield
#42: 5e
O Kabongolina O
Naga Long here
It's a lucky day for me! You should all be so happy!
Today I decided I am maybe the greatest price checker around in the game today!
I made my views perfectly clear on the last price check thread and you are all lucky enough to be able to go read the things written by me there!
What a great time for you to look at this thread! Now that I have written in it, too!
It's the best time to play Guild Wars for me!
Agreed that these items do not receive the attention they deserve. I really enjoy seeing the things posted above, even if a couple of them cause me to become dehydrated from the drools. Thanks for posting them.
I always manage to screw this part up (apologies in advance) but I'll attempt to add some of the stuff my Ele has managed to hold onto. Hope you find something you enjoy.
Edit: After the fact, I realized that I'm not sure why I put up Lanterns in a thread about universal foci, but there they are anyway. Tough to find good examples of these, just like with the universal stuff. My apologies - didn't mean to go off on a tangent. One internet demerit for me.
I don't think there is really any question about what the term "unconditional" means with regard to these weapons.
Perhaps players who weren't around for, or aren't aware of, the time in the game's history when these things roamed the wilds are confused by the fact that DZ and DV (was well as 15/-5 and 15/-10) weapons always grant the extra damage, but they are playing semantics and missing the point.
I agree with my esteemed guildies above. Additional damage. No conditions, strings, drawback or downsides attached. Pure.
The r8 15 uncond axe is very much alive and well in our vaults.
We also house the following on an active account. They are gifts given by an absolute titan from years gone by, the man who helped start me on my path of hammers.
Retract all offers
Seller not adhering to rules of his own auction 🙄
Right right 10e on the shadow. Right.
Shadow r13 and ornate r13str: 5e apiece.
Mursaat hammer 3e.
For Kugiini and others likewise confused:
Pleikki posted lovely items and is lucky to have them (see line 3 of my previous post). However, the words that accompany his post amount to him saying that the items are lucky to have his name scribbled on them and are somehow elevated to some historical pantheon ("the books of history" ???) by being altered in that way. Completely egotistical and warped. That abject overwhelming egocentricity and self-declared power over the history of the game is the objectionable matter.
The stuff about having the best r7 15>50 collection is more delusion than debate, so I'll let the picture I posted do the talking.
Nice items. The rest is preposterous.
I hope this brings some clarity to the matter. There will be nothing else from me in this regard.
Here I am to speak what I know.
Perhaps some of you have been waiting.
The 4 swords posted above are beloved, and not without cause
But men have lost their reason.
The obligation of a real collector is to preserve, protect and remember.
Beautiful masterpieces do deserve to be recognized and remembered but customization does nothing to accomplish that. In fact, many great masterpieces such as shields and offhands can’t be customized. What about them? Customization is not protection or preservation. Marring such items with customization simply to immortalize and congratulate oneself is a selfish, egocentric denigration of their beauty and meaning.
Items such as these are the history of the game. Once unearthed and protected from hackers, RMT, botters and other cheats, they require no intervention by anyone in order to carry it. A previous poster has equated the scribbling of his own name with the recognition of those items in “the books of history”. While it is certainly his right to customize, the assumption of such importance for himself and his own selfish act is absurdly egotistical and grotesque.
The assumption that the assembly of 4 largely-middling sword skins makes one the greatest r7 15>50 collector around is equally grotesque. This points to a failure in another of the major obligations of a true collector: To remember. Here in [PhD] it has been our mission to protect, preserve and remember for a very long time. A larger, more beautiful and more diverse r7 15>50 collection is presented, unmarred by amateurish customization, protected and preserved, to be remembered by all those who can see past their own noses.
TL;DR: Oh, gimme a break. Get over yourself. I'll take mine over yours any day
10e on dv marble hammer assuming it's r9.
When are these going to end? Some of these c/o are awfully old.
I stand by my failed off the cuff attempt at gw nerdery. In the words of Homer Simpson, the lesson is: Never try.
20e reinforced dom
8a gsham
8a on my old.golden maul
Ofc that is a bizarre coincidence. GW never ceases to amaze. That offhand is incredible, and a wonderful drop, but if we are talking mod order vs gold value I gotta stick with the mod order of my pieces.
The casting mod on top looks out of place to me while having the -1 dangling off the bottom is just so unseemly.
Having the energy mod first establishes what you're looking at and is point of the set. The casting mod on the bottom makes it feel finished and smooth. Not so dangly.
I also like how all the starting Es are in a row, without that pesky H getting in the way.
Red Fireball if OCD is your issue and the reqs don't match in either case, I find my pieces much more soothing. It's all a matter of taste.
Dangly isn't my thing, but to each his own.
Was looking for a while for an offhand to complete this set for my ele and am happy to have found one that fits so nicely.
Back to 20e lemme know with Joker out it seems.
70e earth scroll
1e earth outcast