Posts by Hrwakka
I would try to get like 10-20a. Post it for 20a and then see what offers you get
2a celestial blood
added q9 20/20 bow q9 demon shield
Q9 +5e summit axe 50e
5a on clean raven 😏
bump... new items
65e chaos axe lmk bo
Looking for a q9 os shield with +30 +10vs undead.
2a dv katana 1a dv flamberge
skele shield 1a
10a dragoncrest
bump added monk items
Bump added outcast shield
bump added q8 staff
Q7 Celestial Axe - SOLD
Gonna see where this goes...
Hey I am returning to the game and have some stuff I might be interested in selling. I am not sure on prices so we will see where this goes.
c/o - 4a
c/o -
c/o -
c/o -
c/o -
c/o -
c/o -
c/o -
c/o - 8a
need pc on this - Hrwakka
Thank you
Hello guys I am back and im looking to sell some items to get some money again.
s/b 1a
c/o 10a
b/o --
2-4a seems fair
You have the best luck ive ever seen.