well what should I say... do you want to let me run your account so I can find out if it's the ip-adress or the account that is linked to the insane drops? I mean... that paper fan, q8 sword, q8 shield and then this... this is absurd! GZ

How did Guild Wars treat you today?
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well what should I say... do you want to let me run your account so I can find out if it's the ip-adress or the account that is linked to the insane drops? I mean... that paper fan, q8 sword, q8 shield and then this... this is absurd! GZ
Everyone is after end chests now a days. I have always been a heavy solo farmer in the game so the real secret is open as many regular chests as you can and let heroes get you to the good solo farms that can't be ran to normally. The other factor being I have a stupid amount of time to play right now with summer term over lol.
But still... I have only ever opened each end chest once (since I wanted full HoM) and else than that only been solofarming during favor and chestrunning when no favor. But I have never gotten a q8 sword, never a q8 foc anywhere near as good as yours, never a rare skinned shield with mods as good as your eternal...
But ye I barely got time to play, still I have killed millions of low level mobs and opened tens of thousands low lvl chests...
- Official Post
But still... I have only ever opened each end chest once (since I wanted full HoM) and else than that only been solofarming during favor and chestrunning when no favor. But I have never gotten a q8 sword, never a q8 foc anywhere near as good as yours, never a rare skinned shield with mods as good as your eternal...
But ye I barely got time to play, still I have killed millions of low level mobs and opened tens of thousands low lvl chests...
This actually got me thinking about some drop research that I had years ago with someone about theories involving the .dat file, system clock, and hardware id the client generates. We had some tin foil hat theories that some accounts in a way are born more lucky than others based on the controllable item generation factors. It is interesting though how a poor seed algorithm for "random" can generate inconsistent behavior. I have always wondered about such things as I have been in the game development world as a job in the past. This could be all speculation though and just pure good or bad luck.
Not too shabby for my first chest today.
Being that DMG 11-21 with HSR 18% is current day max for Q8 Gold Staff, it's heartbreaking that the HCT Healing isn't 1 more %, but I will give it a home.
I won a contest prize of ten armbraces for five minutes of copying and pasting dates in a spreadsheet, so that's the best ecto/hour farm I've found so far in the game
I haven't played my mesmer much since getting GWAMM on her but when my friend Sepulchure said he'd hook me up, I couldn't pass it up. I rarely buy things in game so it's always nice to find something to spend some cash on.
Knew I shouldn't have identified it. Literally the WORST possible outcome, accidental merchanting would've been better.
But a few minutes later I went out and got this funky pair from the same mob kill. I think it's a neat little set.
Not quite a wash but wtf ya gonna do!
- Official Post
Knew I shouldn't have identified it. Literally the WORST possible outcome, accidental merchanting would've been better.
But a few minutes later I went out and got this funky pair from the same mob kill. I think it's a neat little set.
Not quite a wash but wtf ya gonna do!
That is an odd set of items to drop. Where is this mob if you don't mind me asking? I know Krytan axes at least last I knew were very rare and only purple now a days.
That is an odd set of items to drop. Where is this mob if you don't mind me asking? I know Krytan axes at least last I knew were very rare and only purple now a days.
Krytan Axe was not from the same mob as the two blues. Sorry if that was worded poorly. Krytan was a Kilroy Chest drop I got a few weeks ago, just identified it today. The two blues both dropped together.
52g Q3 made my day. Even if its single mod
- Official Post
Wtf, id this plz !
You have the best luck ive ever seen.
Wakka you make me sick. gratz but F*** u lol.
I was treated well today as well.
After lots of Chest Runs (I'm talking about looooooots ....) I got my 4th Raven Staff ... and well. GORGEOUS
(Obviously I changed the Staff head and Wrapping)
This drop might not be anything really epic, but totally made my day when had it today, think its just too darn cute
- Official Post
Wow so close, still a awesome drop though. Congrats
Unsure if this is even worth anything but I've been doing the Deep with some buddies lately and caught this last night. I was pretty excited
I know this isn't everyone's "thing", between being inscripted and Purple, However with the Q8 11-21 (which is max for any inscripted wand which is why I collect them), this one made me chuckle cause this is exactly how it dropped this morning, 8-8-8-8
I know this isn't everyone's "thing"
Pyro would shit himself if that was OS. Good find!
Pyro would shit himself if that was OS. Good find!
i would do the same if it was a staff
Today on Kaineng.
The mods werent good, but made my day for 1st time ever seeing Raven staff drop in kryta! From chest during my vq today!
(my charr has completed WiK etc if someone think that matter)
- Official Post
Was that a chest or enemy drop?
This is awesome I wasn't aware that they dropped in Kryta
The mods werent good, but made my day for 1st time ever seeing Raven staff drop in kryta! From chest during my vq today!
(my charr has completed WiK etc if someone think that matter)
This is awesome I wasn't aware that they dropped in Kryta
I've gotten them from Tengu mobs there farming feathers. Seems appropriate, right? Bird staff from a bird mob? Bird's the word!
Would've been a cool mod combo. Forever wondering what it is like to get a perf dual mod q9 os shield
Would've been a cool mod combo. Forever wondering what it is like to get a perf dual mod q9 os shield
Error 404: Perfect mods no found
Still being teased by shadow shields this week. The Undead one makes me especially sad
The Undead one makes me especially sad
Me too!
Hey I remember this thread...... so Guild Wars treated me by making me install it again today then I got to chat with Kabong and he gifted me some sweet r9 15^50 Jade Daggers. I think I'll start a collection now
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If you know me, you know I hunt q8 ins GOLD items. This one has been on my list for what feels like forever. The most melancholy drop I think I have had. Still very happy, but the gold continues to be my white whale.
wow! May I ask where you got it? GZ on that drop already - I'm sure one day...