Posts by Jodel_GW
Anyone ever saw a gold oldschool 11-21 wayward wand?
Already got the needed help?
It is Jeweled DaggerS, so there are two of them. Each should have a jewel in it. Just getting one is the weird thing.
I'd toss 10e on the flatbow
As title says. AnY req will do but prefer lower reqs.
I feel you. Check out what my silverman got from the very first treasure chest
What was you first treasure chest?
Issnur Isle
I feel you. Check out what my silverman got from the very first treasure chest
Measure for Measure Inscription is either bought/sold for around 500g or use it on an item that yields iron. Still better than merching it.
Can do some vq for you. Best is to contact me on discord ( _jodel_ ) or write me a pm here and we discuss price and time.
Salvage for bones. Mods can maybefetch 5k-1e each.
Explanation: uncommon skin with mixed mods.
Second perfect dual hex item ever. But not what i wanted to share.
What a grape. I kinda like it.
Well the Upgrades of the wayward wand are worth some ectos. Salvage inscr first and then the wrapping.
Salvage Shinobi for iron/steel. It is worth more than the merch value.
ww1, ww3, ww4 - 10e each
ww2 - 50e
As far as i know all zodiac weapons slavage into dust which has a higher value then the 228g of the item. Just for min/max profi
z12, z14, z15: 10e each
got the following:
q10 death hct death 19% +15/1
q10 water hct curses 19% hsr 10%
q10 smite hct 9% hsr curses 19%
q12 curses +5^50 hct 10%
q12 curses hsr 10% +5^hex
q10 curses +5ench hsr10
q13 com +5ench hct curses 19%
q11 water +5v50 hct blood 19%
PM me if interested in any of those.
nothing extraordinary special but Mr. Clean(-Value) will may have interest in it.
Q11 DF Wayward Wand +5e We HCT 10%
4- 500e
4 - 400e
4- 300e
It should say "Lengthens depression duration on you by 33% (Stacking)"
4 - 250e