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bit late. but 39minutes remaining
R/B shields 3 + 4
35a gothic
25a gothic sword
5a Tall Shield
Q11tac is unwanted even with perfect mods. Probably 2-5a imo
Kappa shield q9 tactics -2^stance +30
Chest runs in hard mode for vermin?
If the only purpose is celestial staves probably yes. HM gives you way more golds + in NM the staves are mostly nonmax there
15a Dragon hornbow
10a hornbow
(gold) q9 str magma shield -3 hexed 60hp w/ hexed OS 212 GV
basic/generic skins with q9+ inscr are mostly worthless my man
even the VDS from nicholas will probably only be like 20-30k
if you need to fundraise just take whatever someone offers you for those or just give them to the merchant
here and there it might make sense to salvage mods or salvage for materials
M18 Platinum Blade 9 +5e 10e
I‘d assume more than the previous pc (50a+ should be easy) Best thing you can do is take your time auctioning it
17a gothic axe (I already offered 15a yesterday)
15a #8 gothic
Imo its merch but ppl buy anything these days. Don’t See this going for 2a tho even with interest
you might wanna consider saving some of that luck for later days bro
The farm available is most definitely known from "persons" + it drops only straw ( and wayward ? ) req soul reaping
From this sentence alone it took me 10 minutes to figure out where to go and try a couple builds.
And I'm pretty sure anyone with some common sense and some vast knowledge of the areas will figure out, too.
So if you'd prefer to keep this spot "secret" Blind Was My Fury I'd highly suggest removing that comment
Thanks for the link
I still don't see any source for the drops or any farm mentioned there. So I'd assume that another one popping up might just be a coincidence?
Regarding the zodiac topic, I completely agree that if a "new" farming spot would be made public nowadays it'd only be a matter of days before bots would start showing up if it'd prove to have a good drop rate. Nothing much you can do about that really.
Once a farm option for q8 diamond aegis got dropped on the "Guildwars unicorn🦄" thread, not even a week later new ones showed up in the " How did GW treat you" thread.
Little off topic but can you link/quote what farm youre talking about? I saw the unicorn post but I‘m afraid nobody mentioned a source or farm. Or did I miss something?
About zodiacs: Pretty sure the majority of people will ask to reveal the farm for obvious reasons but in the end I can understand both possible decisions
All merch
Thanks for your offers Coffee Man & M O N K F O O L . I'll message you ingame asap