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Still have a q7/15com gold inscr Vabbian Tower Shield on my Para.
PM me with an offer if seriously interested in that one.
It can drop like that. Finding something so specific will require some time though.
Should be priced somewhere 1-5a imo.
Depends a bit on interest
10a Raven
something decent in a long time
I think "decent" is the wrong word for that one mate
Good stuff! Keep up the nice work;)
ooof that one hurts really bad
#17: 50e
Lovely combo of that GPB & Lion Shield
I personally would merch it.
If you're broke and urgently need to sell it just take whatever offer you get for it
The new ones are worthless imo.
Also I think when it comes to price checks in the future it would be better to close the old thread and start a new one instead of editing your previous post - so people can find old Price Checks for similar items more easily
Gothic q9 +30 -5/20: 750e
could have been nice...
#1 I could see go for a lot tbh - really depends on interest but somewhere in the XX arms range for sure.
#2 merch imo
I've been selling comparable "basic" skin q9 15/-1s for 1-2a/ea pretty quick last months. so 250-300e shouldn't be too hard to get.
vabbian bastion 250e
MarkTheAmFah I'm really sorry but my b/o prices are fixed. So the shield will go to PB168 . Maybe you two can make a deal.
C29 50e
C29: 30e
I recently bought a q9str -2st +30 for 50e (had the c/o for a week or so with noone else really interested).
I don't think this one will get more interest. so 50-100e imo
found this cutie a while ago and thought I might wanna get rid of it while clearing my bank.
any idea how much this could go for?