Posts by Coffee Man
Platinum Staff 9 Death 10% HCT - rb: 5e
IGN --> Eve Styx
Fair enough, those are sound arguments and I respect your view on the matter! I will not chase this subject any further
Oy. That Gandhi.
Where did he get off being so anti-violence? And forcing it on everyone like that?Actually he didn't force the people to be non-violant, he simply (intentionally or unintentionally) forced them to accept that he himself would not use violence and then people decided to join him He were however promoting that the non-violent protesters would have to be prepared to receive violence and even die, since they were very aggresive verbally during their non-violent protests.
Oh, Coffee, I never said you can't own items customized by another. In fact in one of my posts, I said I do exactly that. That's not what's being referred to.
I know, you quoted below:
To post them on a "museum" as your own with the custo edited out is an entirely different thing. It's not right, and liking how the merch frames an item is no way to do justice to the item, its (former??) owner, or the history that led to the item being with you to begin with.
I own multiple unconditional items customized by another player. Again putting my money where my mouth is, they have been posted elsewhere, unadulterated, with a message of gratitude attached. Doing things that way honors the game, its history and a friendship, not myself.That's why I responded with this segment:
Just strictly speaking regarding this case that the thread was created for, I'm one of the people who have donated customized weapons to Pleikkis collection. I don't feel dishonored that he removed my name tag in any way, neither do I feel that he dishonored the game, nor it's history by doing so. From my point of view, based on my personal preference and what I feel is right and wrong, I don't think he did anything wrong.
And that is exactly my point. That is how YOU feel about it. That is not how, for example, I feel about it, as proven with above quote.
Hence why I think this whole thread is pointless, unless we want to start removing human rights entirely from this forum? Any takers?I liked visiting the museum. I'm a small-time collector myself.
I admire Pleikki for customizing some nice weapons as it is a great way to show dedication. However, I didn't like seeing the museum housing some items with questionable ownership (i.e. items with no clear borders, although I don't think it is against the rules made by the moderators... or should we suggest this new rule for the museum?). In my opinion the museum is for collections, not for screenshots. I like seeing items as they are, and with the gold prices too, which make items somewhat unique.
I'm not against collecting stuff customized by others, and I think Pleikki actually owns the collection. In my opinion the solution is quite simple. If Pleikki would kindly re-make the images and show all the items with clear borders, then I guess everyone can be friends again. No time to make the images sounds like an excuse; doesn't collecting the items cost far more time than making the images?
I like the collection Pleikki has. I just think it can be represented better.
// The Inglorious BlueyAgain, that is what YOU think, it's YOUR personal preference for how it should be. You are absolutely allowed to Think that, but to try and Force someone to do it your way is a really dangerous thing my friend.
If you don't like how something is done that's fine, but don't try to force your way onto someone else. Simple as that.
“Our ability to reach unity in diversity will be the beauty and the test of our civilisation.”
― Mahatma Gandhi
Being single during Covid-19 pandemic is no joke I'm telling you Also, we should get together for that sketch, that would be fucking hilarious
All jokes aside, I still think that's personal preference and here's why:
Just strictly speaking regarding this case that the thread was created for, I'm one of the people who have donated customized weapons to Pleikkis collection. I don't feel dishonored that he removed my name tag in any way, neither do I feel that he dishonored the game, nor it's history by doing so. From my point of view, based on my personal preference and what I feel is right and wrong, I don't think he did anything wrong.
I know it's the one I gave him, I know he values it like any of his other items and he has on multiple occasions expressed his gratitude for me gifting it to him, so I don't see an issue? I personally don't need any credit for having paid 10g to some random dude or dudette in my GH, for me it's more important that people can have the chance to see my old toy with a lot of other cool toys. Again, this is how I, The Inglorious Coffee Bean (*note to self: should probably change nickname to that), feel and does not necessarily represent what the majority of legacy users feel. But it's one preference.
Neither do I think you are wrong from your standpoint, since I could easily see how someone could interpret removing the name tag as disrespectful or shady even if I don't personally see it that way, hence personal preferences. However, in case of this scenario I also think that it's either my or any of the other donators job to raise an objection if We feel that he's been disrespectful or shady. If we haven't done that, then I would assume that he has our permission to do so. So even if you dislike it (which you ofcourse are allowed to do), it's not your right to call him out on this in my opinion.
Also if we go into technicalities, Pleikki is currently the owner of these items even if my name is scribbled on them, since they were gifts. As such (atleast with my items) the items are not on loan and even if I may one day get them gifted back to me, I'm not expecting to do so. So he is entitled to do whatever he wants with them as he is the current owner of atleast my old items.
So yes, you (and quite possibly the majority) may think it's a weird thing to do if he wants to frame away the name of the former owner/creator, but that does not automatically make it wrong is all I'm saying, it's just his preference. Just as you have your own
// The Inglorious Coffee Bean (really digging it, nickname change confirmed )
That Cleaver, yum <insert drooling emoji> *looking at you mods*
I get where both sides is coming from, but (to quote the Mozarts of our time) in the end it doesn't even matter.
Everything can be viewed differently, just because one person believes it should be this way and someone else another way doesn't mean he/she/IT (looking at you you scary clown, shoo ) is right, and vice versa. Both can be right, and neither should be forced to do either.
First we have example A:
Person A, whom actively collect and cherish many rare paintings, have a super expensive van gogh in his collection of paintings. Person A wants the world to know who this awesome painter is and always displays it with a big sign next to it so you can see the name of the creator. Person A becomes most happy when visitors appreciate and enjoy learning about the person who painted it, and this is why Person A collect all the paintings.
Then we have example B:
Person A passed away and Person B inherits the painting. For Person B it holds more of a sentimental value and Person B don't really care much about who made it. Instead, Person B just displays it in their living room where both Person B and any visitors can enjoy it for What it is, not by Who it was made, and that's what makes Person B the most happy.
While not everyone agrees with either Example A or Example B, both are fine since it all comes down to personal preference, which we are all allowed to have.
In the end, both Person A and Person B is just hoping to bring some joy to the people viewing their collection, no matter how it is presented.
To quote the Shakespeare of our time (bonus point if you know who said it) :
“Different roads sometimes lead to the same castle.”
Just my two cents (please give them back after, I'm broke )
All the best wishes and I sincerely hope everyone is staying safe!
// Coffee Man
Platinum Staff 9 Death 10% HCT - 10e
Kamas {Req 9 | Damage +15% while Enchanted} - 5e
q9 15/ench Kamas - 8e
q9 15/ench Kamas - 4e
Yoyo, as the title mentions, does anyone know of a fairly consistent farming/chest running spot for bronze shields? I'm leaning towards wajjun baazar/naphui but there's so many other possible drops from there, so if at all possible, I'd be thrilled to find a spot that has a slightly greater chance at receiving one.
Any experience/information at all is appreciated
Thanks in advance,
Coffee Man