Woven shield q7/15 tac, insc, gold - 5a
Crude shield q7/15 tac, insc, gold - 5a
Woven shield q7/15 tac, insc, gold - 5a
Crude shield q7/15 tac, insc, gold - 5a
nategoesevil I have alrdy offered 100e on that Crude q7/15 inscr gold, but since the seller didnt add it on the c/o's i guess i will rebid
Woven shield q7/15 tac, insc, gold - 2a
Crude shield q7/15 tac, insc, gold - 2a
r/b and b/o's added
bump, r/b and b/o's will be added soon
Holy Rod | 232 | q9 | Divine Favor | +15/-1 | HSR 20% Healing |
Woven shield q7/15 tac, insc, gold - 100e
Crude shield q7/15 tac, insc, gold - 100e
F3 75e
F5 40e
W20 50e
A2 100e
N6 100e
N9 100e
N12 100e
N14 100e
~ Closed, goodbyes
added more items to the list
removed everything due to lack of interests and i will be unactive for quite some time
last bump before merch on the axes
@revryan no r/b's sry
b/o's lowered and added for the axes
axes will be merched if nobody wants em
added 4 purple krytan axes
Purely , I have this on my wts thread b/o is 2a do you want me to reserve it for you?
thanks for all the offers so far
b/o's are added
b/o 1 , 2
~Close please
r/b + b/o's added on some items
edit: guys please, i didnt know it would all blow up once i put down the b/o, I have to apologize to ObsidiaN because i have always stuck to ''whomever b/o it will get it'' even if i got higher offers.
removed the remaining sunquas
added some others
S2: 200e
S9: 300e
added 14 low req nonmax sunquas
just clearing my storage from collecting many junk over the past years
1: 16a/retract
seller sold it alrdy
21hrs left
5: 1a
6: 1a
7: 1a
8: 1a
18: 2a
r/b's been met, if no higher offers they will be sold after 48hrs