Posts by Raining Ecto
Finally after many years,the Crown jewel of my collection found its way back home, all thanks to Emma , thank you 1000 times!
Special thanks to those who urgently helped in the past few days , in no special order: Pleikki , T Miles , Raining Ecto .
Congrats bud, definitely the best triple mod I’ve seen in my opinion. A true trophy worthy of praise.
30a ghostly
Skele 150
15a eternal please sir
Noob question, but those triple inherit mod Storm Bows TFW? Explain!
Miles is correct, just a cleaner/simpler way of showing multiple versions of the same mod =)
Ty brotha @T Miles
r/b foehammer
When it comes our collections, I believe everybody has a few different goal tiers. Most logically we concentrate on what's more readily available/affordable, but we all have those more prominent milestones that stand above the rest that we can hopefully obtain from time to time. Beyond that is the wish list. The items we know we'll probably never find or ever get a chance to own. Just a few weeks ago I was blessed with an opportunity to procure a glorious piece of Guild Wars history that was undoubtedly at the top of my wish list. There were many great sacrifices made of treasures that have lived in my vaults, some a decade or more, that I cherished and would of never sold for any price. Even after this has settled into my vaults and I've had it a few weeks I still find myself in disbelief when I hover my mouse over it. There are few items ever dropped of such perfection. I couldn't be more grateful to be fortunate enough to own this Short Sword. Thanks to all who have reached out with their support and congratulations after word spread of the deal. For everybody else I am pleased to present the new Crown Jewel of my collection and the ultimate Charr killing weapon, The Shorty:
I had a new member join the Flamily and it's a doozy. I am usually a fan of pairing Tyrian weapons with Tyrian shields but this set seemed to match well enough.
Thanks for the trade Onaryen Rage
One of my best set now thanks Raining Ecto & Pleikki
It was meant to be, even matching gold value. Ridiculous set!
Very cool seeing so many people into purps, really awesome sets. And thanks Raining Ecto for the complement lol here are a couple of my grapes as requested:
The Crysta/SWS set is simply the best, I’d say change my mind but let’s not even pretend.
Disclaimer* There were many Charr harmed in the making of this post.
Well done ondenoire, the grape set is officially looking professional.
In honor of all the glorious purple sets lately Tyrant please bless us with the best purple set in the game (in my opinion anyway). It’s been too long since I’ve laid eyes on it.