Posts by Legendary Lena I
ded dhuum 11a
gilded edge 2a
Hello looking to sell this swords and shield
sold in game
will be sold if no more offers in 24hrs c/o 10a jack l eventreur
Today i want to sell some of my stuff no s/b,
i reserve the right to not sell if i feel like offer is too low tho.
c/o 5a
c/o 15a
c/o none
c/o 58a
c/o none
c/o 200e
c/o none
(kepkhet set of 2 prenerf and postnerf staff) c/o 100e c/o none
(presents are sold as set of 2) c/o 40a
c/o none
c/o 15a
c/o 4a
c/o none
c/o none
c/o none
c/o 50e
c/o 100e
fellblade 50e
Hi is there any one who is able to price check this item
ghostly hero 68a
270e ancient shield
i sold exact same 2 years ago for 50e
Hi, I always wanted to buy a goldcape guild but the pricing is to confusing for me at least, i know that it is very hard to give a firm price but for example givinge me a range between Xa - Xa would be highly appriciated. I am mostly interested in the cheapest available, all i care about is that gold trim. Some of You might say there is one listed in Legacy atm, Yes i know c/o is 380a but i have no idea if it is an OG guild so the pricing is higher ? Or do i have not enough for any gold trim guild. and need to gather more.
Thanks for Your time
bump sold q7/16